I'm a 'deep breather'. And I have taken many deep breaths this week.
I am a person that can't keep many secrets, by the way. I'm also a person who shares what is bugging me. I cannot keep things bottled up. Why? Why do that to myself? If something is a burden, or I don't agree with something, why just leave it all captive to hurt my gut? I agree that we have to 'be sensitive'...however, being silent and just 'hiding how I really feel' is more stressful for me.
P.S. I hate stress.
In the midst of some decision-making, worrying about what others would think, the financial implications, and wondering if 'it would work'....I got a headache this week. Not the kind that a couple of Tylenol would take care of....not the kind that anything would take care of...but time.
So in the middle of all the emotions running a little high...I'm dealing with a splitting...really, a splitting headache. Hmmm. No wonder I was moody & grumpy yesterday. And in the middle of it all, feeling even more frustrated with a few things that were in my opinion, so petty compared to life & eternity.
At the end of the day, I looked in the mirror and I saw myself...a human.
I think sometimes that many of us/you forget that we are all human. One of my goals in life is to be real, transaparent, and honest. I cannot be fake. I cannot pretend that I am fine with things that are not okay with me. Do you relate?
One of the things I am always intrigued with is the facade that we can hide behind with texting and social media. We can post things that are always positive, portraying a picture that everything is wonderful ALL OF THE TIME. The days that I post I am having a wonderful day...I really am having a wonderful day. The days I have nothing good to say...are days that are rough and tough.
And I think it's safe to say...we all have them. Not one person on this planet has it all together all the time, is perfect, or doesn't need improvement. I'm relieved in this fact, are you?
So next time you feel like you're losing it,
you were unreasonable,
you failed,
you made a mistake,
you need to change...
take heart in knowing...YOU'RE NOT ALONE!!!
I'll be the first to admit that I'm there with you.
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Me being a 'high-energy' person...makes sense that I tend to be a HIGH STRESS person...But I'll keep taking deep breaths. You continue to go for long drives, long walks or whatever else helps you cope.
I'm going to embark on some research on stress. My hypothesis is: IT'S NOT GOOD FOR THE BODY...AND IT'S WHY WE HAVE SO MUCH ILLNESS. What do you think?
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