Sunday, August 19, 2012

Introducing BedHead Devotionals

So a couple of months ago, I started capturing my excitement after my morning devotionals on video (on an iPad). It was super easy to upload onto Facebook and I thought, why not?

Most of my friends on FB know I am wild about Jesus, crazy in love with the Lord. I figured those who know me would love 'em because they are real. The way I talk, the topic, and my excitement is what would be experienced by a friend if they had come over that morning for coffee. This is me.

I am excited about the Lord and luckily, I've learned to get a hold of God and hear His voice. (Thank you Pastor Ron Vietti for teaching me that ability.)

I hope to share with you 'the how-to' by being transparent about some prayers and the words I get from God during my personal devo time in the (very) early A.M.

Now, they are called BedHead Devotionals because...well....I have a fresh, out of bed look going on. I have my bedhead from last night's sleep, and typically my pajamas on.

I decided to do them like this because #1: it really, really keeps me humble. And #2, if I spent time getting myself ready by playing beauty parlor to do the wouldn't have the same excitement, zeal, and passion...and then, it would become more rehearsed....and not raw like I wanted it. Rumor has it that I motivate people, so I want the raw, unrehearsed excitement available to motivate my viewers.

Plus, I just want it to be me. Just as my husband hears it. I'm big on being genuine and this is about as genuine and real as I can be for ya!

So I hope you subscribe on YouTube to watch my channel: BedHead Devotionals....
If that's your thing.

My goal is to serve as a source of inspiration and encouragement to those who are walking with the Lord, seeking His will for their lives.


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