Friday, October 5, 2012

The Journey with Favour! She moves in today!!!!!

About 4 weeks ago today, I took on a project that was truly a compelling push from the Holy Spirit. I cannot take any credit for's was a matter of me obeying what I was told.

I put out my abilities and experience from working in a church and in real estate, used my gifts of prayer and administration, and my personality of being highly driven, determined, bold and passionate to help my new Nigerian friend get off the streets and into a home.

She had done the leg work for Section 8, but the house needed stuff to be approvable by section 8. God was faithful to bring all things to pass!

She is moving in today!!!!!

Honestly, it has taken only 6 married couples who gave items, resources ($$$$$), time, and help to get her in this house and off the streets/out of the homeless shelter/out of the motel.

ONLY 6!!!! (SO FAR!!!) God reminded me: His ways are not our ways!

Today, Favour is getting the keys! (That's the plan...Lord willing.)

Stability - straight ahead!

If you are still interested in helping, please let me know. I have a friend networking her FB list and getting items like dishes and things...but there are still some main priority items that Favour needs, this weekend....

A twin for Divine...and a full size for Favour! Oh, and sheets and stuff for the beds.

Then, the next item will be a table and chairs...and then dressers.

Please let me know if you want to help! Thanks so much...and thank you to all who gave...this couldn't have happened without your generous hearts!!!! I pray God blesses you 100-fold for all that you gave!!! I know that He will!

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