Monday, January 21, 2013

Fighting for the Unity in the Body of Christ

Unity in the body of Christ, this is one of my top burdens. This does lead to my other burden, 'People who want God, but DON'T want the church'. They don't want the church, because of the lack of unity in the church. It's a crazy cycle...see why both are a concern for me. Perhaps the Lord is calling me to find a way to tackle both to stop it!

This morning I had a word on my heart about the spiritual pride that people have. People who are plugged into ministry, head a ministry...everyone from a pastor to the janitor, to the volunteer, to the lone ranger.

(SCROLL TO BOTTOM FOR VIDEO - listen to while you get ready for work...while your going through your emails, doing dishes, etc.)

We've got to lay down our prides, our beliefs on doctrine, the gifts of the spirit and pick up the unifying truth of Jesus. We must decrease, He must increase, because apart from Him we can do nothing. This calls us to submit to God and resist the devil.

The devil is the dividing force in the church. Don't let him do that anymore. Resist him, submit to God...get in the presence of the Lord so that you can be filled with the Spirit and be at the center of His will. Not doing your agenda, elevating your ministry...but doing what He calls you to do.

Yes YOU! He has a specific plan and purpose for your life. Apart from Him, pursing a plan in your own strength will not get you where He desires you to be. Keep Jesus on the throne of your life and you will find the way, the ministry, the plan God has for you.

It's time to lay down our doctrines and theologies and pick up love and unity.
There are enough unsaved people and believers out there to fill all the churches to the brim.

The seams of your church may not be busting because you're too focused on preserving the numbers. He who seeks to save His life will lose it....Stop trying to save/keep all those people.....lose the pressure to maintain and grow. Lose the pressure to gain the approval of people and serve the Lord by being open to what God truly wants to say (not what the people will receive). Give them the life-changing truth, not the diluted, easy to swallow, ineffective 'life-coaching pep talk'. Give them Jesus!

It's apparent to me that the Body of Christ is divided. However, when we put our thought, insights, revelations down on the altar and pick up our crosses and love, we will see the Spirit move so freely, then revival will surely break out!

May God bless you with the humility and strength to repent of this spiritual pride, superiority mentality, yet insecure operation. May you do what it takes to do His will for you, your ministry, and church.

Click below to hear my side commentaries...and if you haven't subscribe, feel free to...but then again "it's not about the numbers".

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