Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Are you bold enough to share Christ? Anytime, anywhere, and as the Spirit leads you?

If I am bold to share Christ, I am shamed by people.

If I avoid sharing Christ, I am shamed by the Holy Spirit.

What do you think I choose to do?

Unfortunately for others, I am bold for Christ. But my motives are always pure. I promise.
I am guilty of caring too much.

Caring about peoples':
  • Salvation
  • Walks with God
  • Walks withOUT God
  • their marriages
  • their kids
  • their ministries
  • their reputation
  • their mental health
  • their physical health

I care about people's lives. I really do. And when I see people make plain as day decisions in complete opposition with what the Word of God says, I speak up. Why not? It's only their salvation, their eternity, their lives they are setting up for bankruptcy, right?

For the record, it has been over a month and a half since I sat in church. I love church, but I've had kids taking turns with colds and flus and ear infections that well...tis the season I miss a lot of church from having sickies.

I state that so that I can say the next thing...I don't even have to go to church to see how diluted the preaching is. When will the undiluted Word of God be preached? When will people be passionate about living sold-out for God? As though there is "saved, but no fruit or holiness" as an option? No passion for Christ?

Folks, when I read the Book of Acts, the start of the 'church', the apostles were bold. BOLD. When I am bold out in the marketplace or with friends and family....oh dear, silence falls upon the crowd, and someone attempts to correct me.

I am so saddened that there is no sense of urgency upon the Body of Christ to share what the Bible REALLY says. Not the verses about 'believe and receive'...but the verses that tell us how to live...'be holy as I am holy' says the Lord.

I can see why so many men take on the mission to write books that call Christians out of their complacency. That's what it is - Complacency has plagued the body of Christ.

(Okay....Not ALL, but most...come on, there's a statistic that says only 10% of Christians read their can't disagree with me that 90% of the body of Christ is complacent...come on, they don't even read their Bibles. How can one be sold-out and passionate about Christ, if they don't even read the Bible???? Read John 1:1 and on...Jesus is the Word...therefore, you should read the Word!)

On another note, I totally acknowledge that my giftings and calling are completely different than many around me.
HOWEVER, Matthew 28 tells all: GO and PREACH THE GOSPEL.
Why are so many pussy-footed to: GO and PREACH THE GOSPEL?

People don't want to offend others. People don't want to be rejected. Hello, do you really think that person's lifestyle is NOT offending the Lord? Do you really think that Jesus is not being rejecting?

I think one thing is clear about me: I DO NOT LIVE FOR MAN'S APPROVAL. No way. Man is fickle, they are wayward, they are sinful, and can't even please themselves. So why try? Let's make a deal, you don't reprimand me for speaking truth of the Bible, and I won't reprimand you for NOT! No, I actually can't make that promise, because that too is not fulfilling the Word. Remember, Jesus, the Lord of lords, King of kings say to: GO and PREACH THE GOSPEL.

Present day, America in 2012 has become a time where everyone wants to do as they want, what feels good to THEM, but everyone needs to keep their mouth shut. Are you kidding me? Jesus died on the cross so that those who believe in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Did He die in vain? Should we not tell the world the better way...the ONLY way?

Here's where society defaults to relativism. Guess what? The Bible that I read is very clear and concise on what we are to do. It's truly our survival guide to life, how can I be wrong to point someone to it when making some of life's biggest decisions?

Here's where I care...entirely too much. And after sitting down this morning in Acts 9:28 and reading about Paul 'speaking boldly', I find myself writing boldly.

Hey, I live by: When you do things GOD'S WAYS - You get GOD'S RESULTS!!!

I challenge every Christian to truly read and STUDY  the BIBLE, beyond a 'devotional time', and then challenge yourself to live a life that the Bible shows you, and the life God calls you to.

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