Friday, August 16, 2013

Forgiveness is what the Lord requires of us. PERIOD.

Forgiveness….what is it good for?

·        Christ said to forgive, always forgive…70 times 7. (Matthew 18:22 NASB)

·        In the Lord’s prayer, it reads: Forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us. (Matthew 6:12 NLT)

·        And it is God’s forgiveness, His sacrifice on the cross for our sins that gives us eternal life with the Lord. (Refer to Ephesians 1:7 NASB)

So then, I ask again: FORGIVENESS….what is it good for?

All too often, and in this world, we hear about bitter stories of unforgiveness, followed by judgment. What door does this mindset open up into one’s life? If you are unable to forgive anyone, you remain bitter, and we know that bitterness does not respect boundaries.
Bitterness will cross over into other relationships. And why shouldn’t it? If you can’t forgive this one person over here for something they did, then you are capable of not forgiving the next person who offends or hurts you, right? This starts a lifestyle of bitterness and resentment.

When have you met a happy, joyful, kind bitter person? Hmmmmm. Unforgiveness and bitterness sits in opposition of the fruits of the spirits. Refresh your memory in Galatians 5:22-23.

I see how unforgiveness is a greater sin. It opens the door to many others. Consider the judgment that sprouts out of a soil fertilized by it. Think about it. The people you don’t forgive you end up judging them, their life, their family, their spending, their kids, their work ethic, their looks…everything. And like bitterness, judgment will cross over into other relationships. 
Bitterness and judgment are relational cancers!

The heart of man can be wicked. Resentment is usually marked by anger and easily turns into hate. What does Jesus equivocate hate with? Turn to Matthew 5:21-26, read it and you will see. 

I know, the truth confronts and convicts. But the truth is what sets you free. Do you want to be set free from resentment, bitterness, and unforgiveness?

Those you need to forgive today probably started with those you didn’t forgive as a child, teen, and young adult. List out all those starting from childhood that you need to forgive. And find a way to forgive them today.
Forgiveness, following the example of Christ, will truly open the door to the power of the Spirit, that which you have been seeking for so long.
 Who do you need to forgive today?

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