Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Power of Transparency

I am always saying, "There is power in transparency". When we just confess the junk we give into, whether it's food, alcohol, overspending, or whatever the bad habit is....we are freed up. We acknowledge that some things need to change. When we share those things, we let someone in to help us, pray for us, and hold us accountable. Transparency, it's a powerful thing.

And today at church was an amazing example of that. The pastor had a few people share on suffering. People who were willing to throw their hands up and surrender to the Lord and let Him help them.

The first suffering that was discussed was the 'suffering in relationships'. He had a married couple talk about how they were on the brink of divorce (a couple of times), but as they sought counsel and drew closer to God, their marriage began the process of restoration. One family continues to ask for prayer over custody battles and the suffering that follows divorce into a newer marriage. They all continued to seek God over it, peace has followed.

After these folks shared their stories of relationships suffering, the pastor asked for people to stand if they had their own broken relationships. Then he asked others around them to pray for them. Tears were streaming down faces...hugs been given out as people were transparent to say, 'I need help', 'I need God to intervene'....

The second topic was the 'suffering in circumstances'.  You ever hear those stories of Job? Real life stories of a Job tragedy? A man stood up and shared how his first wife came to him and said "You're a great husband & I love you...but I just can't stay married to you..." He was abandoned by her. After a few years (of healing) a second wife comes into his life...the same year he was married, his mother and brother die...then a few years later, his wife died from a battle with cancer. Tragedy...But now with his current wife, he has renewed hope and joy because he remained in the Lord. And his step-daughter is grateful that he is in her life to show her the godly example of what a man can be.

His words were: "There is pain and tears. But the thing is: God loves you. And in those darkest moments, He has his hand extended to you, telling you He is there for you...It hurts right now, there are scars, but His grace will see you through."

The final story of suffering was a family who lost everything. The financial devestation story. But the wife, with tears rolling down her cheeks said she would go through it again because her husband (who she had been praying for 20 years) came to the Lord and is now taking the role of a spiritual leader.

All stories were stories that can make people throw in the towel! But these families & people are having victory over their sufferings because they have remained in the Lord. They continued to serve Him, praise Him, and love Him despite their trials.

We went on to pray for others going through circumstancial trials, those needing endurance.

And then the pastor asked people to get gutsy. He asked anyone who did not have Jesus as their Lord & Savior to stand and ask Him to be Lord of their life.

As you're reading this, if you feel your heart racing...tears rolling down your own cheeks because you are enduring suffering, I want you to know that you don't have to go through this alone. You don't have to feel powerless over the circumstances. Right now, at your computer, your desk, your ipad....just throw your hands up where you are - Ask God to save you. Save you from your life, your decisions, your struggles, mistakes, and trials. Ask Jesus to be your Savior today...ask Him to be center of your life. Tell Him you will pursue Him, and ask Him for the strength to do so. He loves you and will help you. He is there with His hand out to you...waiting for you to reach out to Him.

Just do it now...and the death you feel on the inside will disappear and become a calm sense of and peace. You don't want to go another day without it.....give Him a chance today to change your circumstances...your life! Let Him in to take over & surrender to His love....there's nothing better than what Jesus has to give you through His grace, mercy and forgiveness. He's just waiting for you to let Him in to love you...

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