Saturday, October 22, 2011

I warned them: "Don't get me preachin'....."

I really have come a long way than where I was when I first got saved. I'm still on fire - just not burnin' up everyone around me....intentionally. ;)

However...I think my favorite thing about the reading the Bible is sharing what it ACTUALLY says. I love the rebuttal: 'Well, that's your opinion'. Really, it's not. I don't have an opinion anymore. I only believe and repeat what the Word of God says.

The interesting quandry they find themselves in is that when they disagree with me (even 'believers'/religious people) they are really disagreeing w/ God. What's great is that I don't have to take their words personal. They aren't offending me at all because my source of belief is the Word of God - The Holy Bible. So see, they're disagreeing w/ HIM.

What is sad is that so many claim to be believers...but have no idea what the Bible even says about a variety of things that affect their walks/salvation. I could spout out some topics that would make anyone squirm...but it's not my place to judge - it's God... and that's why He sent Jesus Christ. And that's why He gave us the see what He says!

Now, while I'm not yet equipped to give the "theological" break down...but in a nutshell:
"...if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; 10 for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation." - Romans 10:9,10

You can't do anything else but believe & confess. Works is not the saving factor. Our outward action will change because the Word says you will know them by their fruit. But is the work of the Holy Spirit working through us. We can't boast in what He does. We can only be grateful & thankful...and show up the next day for Him to use us and love others through us.

The sad thing is that so many don't go directly to the Word to get fed. They depend on the guy on Sundays to give it to them...and while there are wonderful Bible-teaching, truth-sharing, Jesus-loving, humble churches out there...there are those who have mixed in so much personal opinion that people are judging others based on the judgment from the pulpit. These will never last.

The truth is what sets people free...and the truth is what feeds people...anything less than this is unnecessary & ineffective.

----These thoughts were inspired thru some conversations I had tonight at a birthday get together. And I promise, I forewarned others (who brought up this topic) - Don't get me preachin'! Needless to say, I got to preachin'...and I preached to the Lord on the way home, I was preachin' while I brushed my teeth...and so here I am unloading on you. But isn't it the truth?

Now, for the record, I am not perfect, but I am a lover of the Lord Jesus Christ & study the Word. It is so wonderful to know what that Book says. It is the truth - it says so! :)

You read things in it like: 'God does not change His mind'...and so I don't serve a wishy-washy, indecisive God.  What it really is...people missing God & not being be humble enough to say so. Personally, I don't think that God expects me to hear Him 100% of the time on 100% of everything. I wish that I could. Man, I'd be set wouldn't I? But I miss Him too...and if you ever have (once, twice, over and over) - it's okay. People don't expect you to be God. Take that pressure off yourself. You can miss Him...just chalk it up and start from where you are & go for it again.

You read things like 'Don't look at a woman with lust'...but many believing Christian men do. Heck, many believing Christian women are looking at men w/ lust. We just got to recognize it in time before we let that thought life carry us away into adultress relationships...and we do that by going straight to the ONE who can help you, Jesus Christ. The true Mediator who put His life on the line for you personally! He can help you in every temptation and through the Holy Spirit, give you the strength to press on through the temptation. He really can!

I know that Jesus is my Lord and Savior, my sins are paid in full, however to hear Him clearly and be led by the Spirit....I have to walk by the Spirit & not by my flesh. I'm really not making this stuff up on my's what the Book says.

All this to say - "if you see me somewhere and you don't want to hear the 'truth'...please don't begin the conversation". The only thing you will get out of me is what I've read in the Bible...and for me, that is the ultimate authority. The beauty of it is that it takes so much pressure off me...I don't have to have all the answers...but I know the One who does!

Got inspired tonight & thought I'd share! God bless & have a great Sunday!

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