Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Thorn in My Flesh

I am nobody really. That's how I see it. My life B.C. is nothing to proud of.
Shameful outside of Christ really.

I am who I am today because of the work of God in my life. His healing, transforming, and help. It's only Him that I can boast in - nothing of my own works. I have only got to do what I've done for Him because of His personal involvement in my heart and mind.

As I read in my devo today, there was a verse in 2 Corinthians 12 that took me to Paul's story of the thorn in his flesh. I chuckled because just yesterday, I shared w/ my mom just what my thorn is.

See, I have a thorn in my flesh that can so easily take over my thoughts and actions. It really could jeopardize the comfort of my life, IF I were to allow myself to follow those thoughts and desires.

I know what it is. God knows what it is. And it is the #1 reason why I stay so close to God. I always know that I'm not spending enough time with the Lord when this temptatious thought pattern wants to weasel it's way into my mind and heart.

My remedy: praying hard for God to remove the desires/thoughts.
And then committing to being proactive by staying close to God.

This is why I am always encouraging people to talk to God regularly and be honest and transparent with Him.

I know He can hear our thoughts, but our outward prayer really helps us hear our own need for Him.

So today, what is the thorn in your flesh that is weakening you? God is there to listen to you and help strengthen you.

He will show you relationships, habits, places that cause you to stumble. He will give you self-control as you spend time with Him. It's up to you to show up to pray/talk to Him, read your Bible, and then follow His leading.

You really can do all things through Christ Jesus - Philippians 4:13

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