Friday, March 9, 2012

Danger of Comparisons

Most of us do this or say this right?
  • "Well, I'm not as bad as so & so?"
  • "At least I don't spend as much as so & so's wife."
  • "I would never be like so & so."
  • "I don't drink as much as so & so."
  • "I serve way more than so & so."

Comparisons. We live our lives daily, comparing ourselves to 'so & so', all the while we try to keep up with the Joneses. Right?

Here's the danger: You're not living to your personal best, your personal potential if your eyes are on everyone else.

Another danger: You live in denial of the areas you really need to improve in, since 'you're doing so much better than everyone else'.

When you are feeling holier than thou, better than others, superior above others, read the Book of Proverbs, read Ecclesiastes. Let the Word rebuke you in your pride and let light shine in the areas in YOUR LIFE that need improvement.

This isn't to condemn you at all. This is to admonish you and encourage you to take your eyes off everyone else and put them on you so that you really can become everything that God is calling you to be.

See, 'so & so's' assignment from above is very different from yours. Their calling, their gifts, talents, and experience are all different from yours, so how can you really compare yourself to them?

God knows the plans He has for you....YOU!

If you want to compare yourself to someone, compare yourself to Jesus. Let that sober you and set the standard to live by. And go by God's opinion of you - let your confidence rest in who God says you are. Not 'so & so'. You are accountable to God - let Him be your standard and set your standard. This will put you on the path that will lead you to where YOU are supposed be - at the end of your life!

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