Sunday, April 1, 2012

Jesus is willing to HEAL

How do I begin this??? My whole belief re: healing from the Lord has changed. It really is according to our faith. I've sat in a 'healing meeting' w/ disbelief...and the Lord plainly said in my heart "Let it be according to your faith"...."They have the faith for a healing, and so I will". Ouch - I know.

Following that service I attended, I had a conversation w/ a Bible-scholar. She is a great woman of faith, and when I shared my disbelief with her...and how I was struggling to ask God for a healing for my son's asthma....She challenged me:


Made me say: Hmmmmm. Prayer + Faith in Jesus = MIRACLES. (Period.)

In the meantime, I've taken on this mission to pray for a little boy, a  2 year old Steven. The doctors diagnosed him Valley Fever and as of last Thursday, he's not responding to the meds. The doc has doubled the dosage and they are discussing bone scans. Valley Fever is a nasty, terrible thing. Please join me in praying for him, if you already haven't.

But, knowing that Jesus Christ has the power to heal...and He loves the little children, why would He not be willing to heal little Steven? He is willing, I believe.

Need some convincing that Jesus heals? Go to Matthew 8....
  • verse 3: I am cleansed.
  • verse 7: I will come and heal him.
  • verse 14: He touched her and her fever left.
  • verse 32: Jesus delivered the demon-possessed men.
Go to Matthew 9:
  • verse 6: He said to the paralytic, GET UP & WALK (healing).
  • verse 22: Your faith made you well.
  • verse 25: Jesus took the girl by the hand & she got up. (Her father had said she was dead.)
  • verse 29, 30: He touched their eyes (they were blind), and their eyes opened!

Think about this....this is 12 counts (their were 2 demon-possessed men...and 2 blind men) of healings.

Along these verses, there is not one instance of Jesus saying 'oh, not today'. So we are challenged aren't we?

We can either continue to live under man's lack of faith in Jesus being a healer and not put Him on the spot to be a healer....Or we can believe the Word of God, the Bible and pray to a God who heals willingly with great faith.

This is the faith I am using when I pray for Steven. How can the Lord not heal this boy? It will mystify the doctors who serve the gods of will strengthen his mother's faith, it will grow his father's faith, all his older siblings will end up saved through this kind of testimony. Why would Jesus NOT want to heal? I can't equate God with that rationale.

I think it's time that we start asking Jesus Christ who overcame death, to overcome our diseases and infirmities...addictions, mental illnesses - you name it! If it's physically holding you back and down...then go to the God who heals - Jesus!

This is where our modern day version of Christianity has to change. This is one major area we need to make Jesus Lord again. Lord over our health.

We need to put ourselves in a place of need, a place that stretches our faith. I think we don't want to be 'disappointed by God' we don't ask big, marvelous things from Him. Well, we're wrong.


So put your neck out there, and ask God for some miracles and watch Him show up! Your relationship will be sooooooo positively impacted by it! Trust me -


And once He does -  WORSHIP HIM!  And share the testimony that Jesus heals!!!!

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