Thursday, November 8, 2012

What are you created for?

I've seen a lot. Done a lot. Known some amazingly successful, rich people. Worked for them. I've seen the possibility of being like them. At the moment of considering taking ownership of that future, I see God, shaking His head. I hear Him saying, "That is not what I created you for".

While I can 'do anything'...I choose to do what God made me for. Many claim faith for God's blessings. I claim faith to be nothing to this world, but to do everything that my Maker created me to do, to be a blessing TO God.

Imagine a world where all of God's children laid down their personal goals and desires and sought the will of God for their life. Imagine a world where all of God's children lived their lives poured out for God's purposes. Imagine a world where all of God's children heard His voice, His directions...and were obedient to carry them out. Imagine a world full of God's children pursuing God completely with their entire hearts & souls - their entire lives!!!!

I choose this calling. God is calling His children to be disciples and follow Him completely...sold out. It's got to be all about Him, once and for all!

In this life there is no time,
to be selfish and call it "mine".
I lay my life down at your feet,
for it was never mine to selfishly keep.
The world is beautiful and tempting with things,
it offers status, power and wealth fit for a king.
And while I am able, know people and am smart,
I realize my role is not playing that part.
I can do many things, this is true,
but they lead me further away from You.
It's not about making a name for myself,
to do that requires my faith to sit on a shelf.
How can I serve God AND my desires?
That will extinguish my holy fire.
So this day, I lay down all my dreams,
I lay down this goal of the world serving me.
I give you my mind, my time, my life,
Take away the world, the gold, the strife.
Give me your plan, your provision and peace,
I give you all of me, take me completely.

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