Friday, March 1, 2013

I want my dreams to be HIS dreams

Do you dream?
I do.

I lay before the Lord begging Him for certain things to happen in my life. Although for me, at the center of my requests is the consideration of what is best for my family and God's will for my life.

My husband and our boys are so dear to me, no words can fully express how much I love them. And their state of being and health is at the forefront of my mind when I pray and dream. I do not ask for things that would take me away from them. I do not ask for things that would compromise our relationship, or my responsibilities to take care of them all.

I ask for things that would allow us more time together, better environments to live in, and spiritually encouraging activities.

At the heart of our requests are our motives.
My goal in my dreaming is for it to never be all about me.

Godliness with contentment is great gain, the Word says.

My dreams are for a life that will allow my asthmatic son to breathe better, both my boys to get the best K-College education, my husband to be encouraged in his walk with God and endure the least amount of stress as possible...and for me to be able to serve God in the way that He calls me.

I love my family. After my walk and relationship with God, they are my next priority, and then my health and ministry. My dreams are centered on what is best for us all...not what Jennifer wants.

Wants and needs are two different things. I love receiving what I need from God. He promises to give us our needs. But across the pages of the Bible are warnings to not get caught up in money, riches, popularity, etc. So those things are never part of my requests.

I do love the Lord so much. So much so that some react to me as though I'm ridiculous for how much I do...but if I am going to pass down an unswerving faith to my kids in this materialistic, lust-filled, selfish world...I better be pretty radical in my commitment to Christ. I always pray that my boys will be men of God who will pioneer ministry and make uncompromising commitments to Christ into the future. For who will raise our grandkids in the Lord?

My dreams take all that into account. If my goal is to raise men of God who will chase God, how can I give them an example of chasing fame and fortune...chasing prestige, power, and popularity?

Now, if while I live sold out to Christ and commit to fulfilling all that He calls me to, and all that happens, then you will find me on my face again, asking God to not let any of it compromise my relationship with not let it rip my family off of my time and attention, to not let it interfere with who I am in Him, and even changed me from a friendly caring person to a selfish, boastful person.

I do not want anything of this world that would interfere or attempt to lure me away from my most prized possessions (my boys), most important relationship on earth (my husband), and my most crucial foundation of living (my Jesus, my God).

Folks, let go of what the world says you need. Even well-meaning Christians out there have messages that honestly contradict what the Word says.

A student of the Bible,
A disciple of Christ, 
A follower of God's leading.

Let go of what interferes in your most important relationships in heaven and on earth. Our children will take your torch and carry it on...and what will they reflect to people when you are gone? Will they carry on your godly values and character? Instill in them what God instills in you, and He will insure your godly heritage continues!

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