Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I am asking for more - this Thanksgiving!!!!

In a week that many turn their focus on giving thanks. I stand in my study/office/prayer room and ask God for more.

"I want to see people set free God.
Set free of bondages...
Bondage of Hate
Bondage of Unforgiveness
Bondage of Alcoholism
Bondage of Addiction: Drugs, Pornography, Cutting, Etc.
Bondage of OCDs
Bondage of Perfectionism & Overachieving Drivenness
Bondage of Pride & Arrogance, Boastfulness
Bondage of Greed & Money
Bondage of Poverty
Bondage of Gluttony
Bondage of Fear
Bondage of Anxiety
Bondage of Anger
Bondage of Depression
Bondage of Doubt
Bondage of Disbelief
Bondage of Sex, Promiscuity, Vulgarity
Bondage of Shopping
Bondage of the World's Ways
Bondage of Mental Illnesses
Bondage of Hopelessness..."

The list can truly go on and on...These are just a few when I think of what God freed me from personally, and what I often pray for loved ones.

When you read the word "Bondage" above, imagine if you can, a heavy weight for each bondage.

Now, of that list above, ask God right now. Which ones are you captive to?

Each one revealed is a weight.
Put those weights in a back pack.
Put that back pack on. Heavy?

Often our bondages have been with us so long that we grow immune to the heaviness. Sometimes, we like the bondage we are in. As though they may us 'stronger'.

No, they make us weary, incapable of taking on the circumstances we have no choice or control over, leaving us burdened and unable to cope to live a life with joy and peace.

Overachievers with OCDs and Perfectionism are often promoted to the top, get the raises and the affirmations...The affirmations they longed for so long of their life that pushed them into that bondage. Overachieving not bondage? Have you ever seen how an overachiever behaves at the threat of failing?  It's a bondage.

Boasting not bondage? I find it entertaining the offense taken when I do not covet the things that many people brag about to me. There are people who are so greedy and love to shop and spend...and when I just could care less about what they are spending their money on...they are offended by me.

I do not covet people with money because often times, God has revealed the brokenness, sinfulness, and insecurity in them. He's shown me the emptiness that they are trying to fill with all that stuff. I can often see how much of 'nothing' they truly have. This is why I choose to not want to be like that or chase what they are chasing.

The ways of the world lead you to bondage.

I want to see people whole, walking in the freedom that Christ gives. I long to see people in such a close intimate relationship with God that they overcome the weight of the world, the weight of the bondages.

Do you want freedom from those things?
  • Ask God to forgive you, repent, for feeding your flesh with chasing things, people, substances to fill the voids that only God can fill.
  • Ask God to show you His love for you.
  • Ask Him to give you a glimpse of His will, His purpose for you life.
  • Ask Him to heal your wounds that have led you to these bondages.
  • Ask Him to do a new & mighty work in your life!  

Don't know what you're stuck under, you just know that there is haze and heaviness in your life?

Jeremiah 33:3 says, "Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great ad mighty things, which you do not know".

The answers are available...You just need to make yourself available to the Lord to tell you. You need to ask.

I pray God prepares you for what He shows you. I pray you are honest with yourself and God about the true bondages that have you captive and leave you operating in the flesh...Apart from God!

My goal is to help you see where the enemy and the world is leading you out of God's will. My prayer is that you will desire God above all things this world has to offer...and that you desire the fullness that God offers for you and your life.

This song below is so amazing and inspired me today! Lose yourself and your bondages in it!

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