Monday, February 17, 2014

The Lazy Christian.

Is there such a thing? A lazy Christian?

The Lazy Christian does not:
  • Pray
  • Read the Bible
  • Serve
  • Evangelize
  • Tithe
  • Know their personal gifts
  • Bear fruit
We are called to live a life set apart FOR Christ.
Yet apart from Jesus, we can do nothing (John 15:5).

Need a definition?
la·zy  (lā′zē)
adj. la·zi·er, la·zi·est
1. Resistant to work or exertion; disposed to idleness.
2. Slow-moving; sluggish: a lazy river.
3. Conducive to idleness or indolence:

Lazy Christ are apart from Christ. These lazy Christians are the lukewarm church. Do they know their destiny? Revelations 3:16 explains it simply.

So what then shall they do? Luke 13:5 has the first step of the solution.

Folks, the end is drawing near. There is no time to procrastinate abiding in the Lord. I long to see the Body of Christ full engaged living a biblical lifestyle that attracts the unsaved to Christ.

How will the world know that Jesus Christ transforms lives,
if your life looks no different from the world?

Where did you get off track? Refer to the list above. The starting point of living out a 'changed life' starts with a 'devotional life' of prayer and spending time in the Scriptures/truth! In this time, you will be filled with the Holy Spirit and you will begin to bear fruit, find your spiritual gifts, serve, give, and evangelize.

The Christian life is intended to be active, not passive.

Matthew 28:19-20 gives the directive: Go and make disciples! This is not an optional commandment, it is what the Lord Jesus calls us all to. It's up to you to spend time with the Lord to find out who in your life you are to lead and direct toward Christ. God speaks. His Spirit leads and convicts. Obedience is key. Obey the voice of the Lord, the nudge of the Holy Spirit and you will find yourself being an "active participant" in the work of God.

Otherwise, you will remain the "spectator Christian"...the Lazy Christian. And that my friend is just down right boring. No wonder sexual immorality, alcohol, drugs, porn, the Internet, money, -- FILL IN THE BLANK -- is so attractive and consuming your time. You are not aggressively engaged all that God created you to do FOR HIM.

John the Baptist said it best: I must DECREASE, He must INCREASE. It is to be about HIM, not us!

When it is about US, our lives, dreams, comfort, choices....we become disengaged with Jesus...and resort to being Lazy Christian, living the lukewarm powerless life fulfilling OUR will, not HIS will.

It all begins with repentance. Luke 13:5. Repent of the selfish lifestyle and call onto the Holy Spirit to fill you with the power to overcome your fleshly desires and give you the passion to live sold-out to Christ. And then daily - stay plugged into the power source!!!!! This is when you crush the lazy, spectator Christian lifestyle and you will produce the kind of fruit that is imperishable...that which will stand with it refined by the fire coming!

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