I haven't had a gym membership in years. Here's a before and after shot of my gut after my second son:
My postpartum gut - Feb. 2010 My toned up abs - March 2011
Why I love Turbo Jam - it's an intense, all over body, cardio workout. It has carved my abs back out, all while I get my cardio on and burn on avg. 600ish calories. And like Chalene says, the music is phenomenal!
And here's a plus for you: the workouts are less than an hour/day!!!! You can't beat that! If you're ready to try something else, besides the gym - order your Turbo Jam.
The one I used comes with 5 workouts: Learn & Burn, 20 min. Cardio, 40 min. Cardio Party, Ab Jam, and Turbo Sculpt. Click here to order:
When you order with me, I'll be your coach and keep you encouraged to press on and move forward - I will help you get the results! I'm doing my own dvd program at home, so I'm here with you! Let's start transforming that body TODAY!
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