I think this will get the message out there that YOU CAN lose the weight, whether it is baby weight, or just weight you've gathered over the years.
- YOU CAN eat healthy and change your body.
- YOU CAN find an exercise routine you like to do & enjoy doing it daily.
- YOU CAN transform your body, your physique.
- YOU CAN get in the best shape of your life.
- YOU CAN avoid preventable disease.
- YOU CAN live a longer, meaningful, quality life.
My Boys (My Life) |
I am like most of you believe it or not. I do like to eat. Recently though, since I've reached right under 130 lbs. I've had complete strangers look at me and say, "you don't need to worry about what you eat" - on the contrary, I have to watch every bite that goes in. I can overeat, like most. I like cookies, like most. Like most, I gain weight if I 'don't worry about what I eat & eat whatever I want'.
I appreciate the compliment, but this is exactly why I will be creating a banner along the top of this blog is so that the world can see that I had love handles, muffin tops, full cheeks, nearly a double chin, a gut, a wide 'ol booty. I had it all!
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159/160 lbs. - 6 weeks after my youngest's birth! |
But instead of accepting it, I have chosen every day for the last 16 1/2 months to work my butt of to get in shape. To strip off that unhealthy extra weight!
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No Muffins, No Love Handles, Booty back w/in boundaries! |
The other day, I shared with a friend: "By the way, I DO NOT stand in front of the mirror with low self-esteem and say, 'JUST 5 MORE POUNDS'". I do however, stand in front of the mirrow and say, "Oh my gosh Dave, look at my arms, can you imagine how ripped I will look after I hybrid my workouts and do a ton of resistance training".
Now my mission is to be as strong and lean as possible...just for the pleasure of having success over my eating and struggles w/ my weight all of my life. And, I am so close. Why would I choose to 'maintain' (which for me leads to gaining weight)? All I have left to do is put forth some energy & intensity and prove to the world that we can get in the best shape of our lives POSTPARTUM!
I'm mad that women feel powerless over their weight, their eating, their baby weight. I hate it when I see women defeated feeling like nothing they do will work.
Work out for 16 months like I did....eat like me and I can guarantee that weight will come off. Many "try" to lose weight for a couple weeks, a couple months...but do they stick to the same plan for 1 year, 2 years...the rest of their life. So until you put at least 1 year out of consistent effort - don't disqualify yourself!
One of my life goals now, along with my husband (http://www.thislittlepiggywenttothegym.com/), is to help overweight and obese people shed the pounds and gain control over their bodies! YOU are the boss of what goes into your body. YOU are the boss of what your body does. So be the boss & stop letting your appetite & negative self-talk talk you out of being as healthy as possible!!!!
We're here to help!!!!
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