I am in an interesting season in life. I'm at home with my kids, but I long to help others. I have such a heart for people and just struggle when I see others struggle in life. And this makes sense when I come across the verse of Galatians 6:2: Bear one another's burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ.
Bear one another's burdens.....What does that mean to you? For me, it means make yourself available to help others. Listen to others' struggles in life, whatever they are. Be compassionate toward others' who have less, and who have made mistakes.
What's interesting is, we have the internet. The internet fascinates me in how much we can do and how much info we have access to. Yet, somehow the internet as much as it can connect us (thru FB, Twitter, blogs, email, Skype), people seem more lonely than ever. Perhaps, so many sit behind their screen, typing out things they wish were true, yet if they were more transparent, you would hear their burdens. Then we would experience deeper relationships.
We have to take time for others - face to face. Not FACETIME...but real life, in the same room kind of face-to-face time. This is when we bear eachother's burdens. When you see me face to face, you may see worry on my brow and I can't hide the anguish. I'm forced to share how "I'm really doing". However, I can type out positive slogans all day on FB, and you're convinced I'm great, right?
See, I want to do so much more for others than this blog. I am passionate about helping others. I love encouraging others...but I'd also love to help someone clean their house if they were down sick & couldn't. I'd love to pick up my friend's kids, if she had a doctor's appt. and couldn't. I love being available for others. Not sure why I am so passionate about it. Perhaps it's the cry of the Spirit in my heart to help me stay focused on others & not myself.
I came across a book about Mother Teresa. This woman was amazing. Her compassion towards others supercedes any human I've ever seen. In my mind, of what I know, she fulfilled what Jesus taught. She was not rich by the world's standards, but her rewards in heaven outweigh any riches one can have on earth. Mother Teresa teaches us that 'human beings, when given the most basic kinds of love and attention, find significant transformation and discover their humanity, dignity, and at last momentary happiness'.
It's amazing how powerful your compassion & desire to bear another's burdens can be! Today, ask someone, 'how are you REALLY doing?' And then listen. Don't offer solutions, but offer compassion, a listening ear, and love. Fulfill the law of Christ today and bear someone's burdens today!
Wow so true. Its all going to burn. I need to focus on the the people around me on a less professional level and a more personal level. I sit here and think if everything I have was taken away would I still be me or better yet would my family be still be sound in Christ or would the chaos of the things of this world taken away over take them? "I ask myself who am I and what am I here for?" Life is short,I pray all I am doing is worth it.