Sunday, July 10, 2011

What is your most common sickness? You're Prescription is in!

Last weekend, I was so sick. I was coughing 2-3 hrs./night (and I'm not asthmatic). By last Sunday, when I'd cough, my chest was burning. I was exhausted, no energy, yet the days before - despite my sickness, I just kept working out (not wise of me at all). I worked through the headaches and congestion, thinking I would 'just get better on my own'.

Finally, after 5 nights of interrupted sleep from the cough, I finally waved the white "I surrender" flag, and went into Kaiser on Monday morning first thing. (Who cares if it was a holiday, I could not last another day or night with this cough and pain.)

Get examined, everything checked, everything listened to. Diagnosis: Sinus Infection and Brochitis. Ugh! No wonder I was so miserable. However, I figured this would be the diagnosis, because this is always my diagnosis. In the 4 times I've been sick in the last 6 years, it's always been sinus infection...obviously I waited too long to see the doc. But I am so prone to sinus infections. When I leave my allergies unchecked, or a cold takes awhile to leave, a sinus infection is around the corner.

Obviously, I need to take better care of myself in this area since I am so vulnerable here. Get comfortable with the Netti Pot, right? I know.

But let's apply this entire scenario to the sin in our lives. There is a sin that so easily entangles us. You know the one. The one that is so easily to fall into, the one you are so vulnerable to.

Personally, I know the ones that are so easy for me to get entangled in. They are very black & white ones. Unlike missing the symptoms of my sinus infection, I don't miss the thoughts and actions that lead up to those sins. Luckily my little 'spiritual radar' starts beeping when I am headed the wrong direction.

I've ignored that beep a few times, and I can hear the siren going off to back up out of the danger zone. Luckily, I listen to that one most of the time. But there have been times that I've let words pass my lips and BAM! I blow it! I hate that feeling that follows, don't you? Why do we do that to ourselves?

The key is at the first sign of your 'symptoms' (when the radar is beeping with warning), we need to be proactive right then! This is what I know works for me when headed toward sin:
  1. Pray for forgiveness for the thoughts/words/consideration of doing what I shouldn't do.
  2. Ask God to give me strength to not even entertain the thoughts and get out of the situation.
  3. And then, I try super hard to: avoid the things, people, conversations that derails my thoughts.
We've got to be proactive and recognize our vulnerabilities so that we can guard our hearts and be of sober mind. Especially when the 'potentially derailing situation' presents itself. When we're not proactive, when we don't recognize our vulnerabilities, we fall prey to our weaknesses. And then it's too late.

Like me losing sleep for 5 nights, some have lost their homes, families, jobs because they ignored the symptoms of their sin.

You're Prescription is ready!
In all areas in life, we have to remain proactive, constantly going to the Chief Doctor for the 'Scripture Prescription'! God has the strength to give you, the wisdom to apply, and the help you need in times of trouble. Go to HIM a.s.a.p. Don't wait until the inward sin has moved outward! Avoid the sabotaging effects of sin by going to the One who will help you with your vulnerabilities & weaknesses!

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