Friday, September 16, 2011

"Admitting the problem is the first step...."

One thing I've always believed, but may seem cliche, is that 'admitting you have a problem is the first step'.

Are you broke? Then do you have an income problem, or a spending problem? Where the problem lies, there is a solution.

Are you bitter? Do you have a forgiveness issue, an anger issue, are you controlling and mean, and anyone who doesn't let you bully them around - you grow bitter towards?

Are you overweight? Do you have an eating problem? A lack of exercise problem? Or both? Where the problem lies, there is a solution.

Many tell me they want to lose weight. But not very many know where to start. I always start with asking the person, what do you eat? What are the big-offender foods? When people make lists of what is going in, then the fog is lifted off the problem and people see clearly.

Perhaps you don't think you make unhealthy, food choices. Here's my suggestion, WRITE EVERYTHING DOWN THAT YOU EAT for a week. Every bite. Don't worry about calories up front, just figure out what is going in. Write the size (ex. large, medium, or small fry...don't just put 'fry' since there is about a 150-200 calorie difference per size). Write the food.

Then after the week, you can review what you ate that you didn't need. You would be surprised.

Then, if you don't exercise at all. Why? Is lack of time a factor? If you believe so, then here's where I would suggest that you track your time. Track how long you talk on the phone w/ friends catching up, gossiping. Track how much time you are on FB/Twitter, just going thru to stalk. Track how much time you spend watching t.v. a day/night. Then I want you think about how those sedentary activities are affecting your life, and how if you traded just one of those activities w/ brisk walking/jogging or a workout dvd, how much less would you weigh?

It's not rocket science really. All you need to do is CREATE A CALORIE DEFICIT!  You can do this by eliminating 1 bad food a day + adding 30 min. of activity/ the start.

So tell me, what is your problem? And what is the solution?

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