Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Great Compliment!

I received one of the greatest compliments last weekend. It came from someone whom I used to serve in the ministry with many years ago. Many people look up to this person, and many respect their opinions. I know this person to be one of chosen words. They do not care to 'flatter' people at all. His words:
"You really like helping people,
don't you Jen?"

I was ecstatic that this person said this. I was even more humbled and blessed that my words and my life communicate this.

This really is one of the greatest compliments I've received in a long time...especially in this day and age. In a time where relationships are solely based on 'networking' for someone in the relationship to 'gain something'.

I believe it's something that many need to focus more on. Helping others. I personally love helping others. How do I help others? By motivating them, pep talking them into believing in themselves, and encouraging them. I love being 'the accountability person' people need to reach that goal. I also love laboriously helping others, as well. I love to file papers for others, help people get organized, wash a car, clean up, etc....I love coming along the side of people and helping them in the way they NEED me to! It's truly fulfilling.

It's so gratifying and humbling to be thanked by someone. It just makes me feel so good about making a difference in another persons life in the non-tangibles...and tangibles.

I thought about what he said to me...and it made me ask a couple questions.
  1. Why did my willingness to help others stand out?
  2. Are other people really willing to help others?
  3. Are people regularly helping people?
  4. What more is there in life than helping other people?
In my self-centered days of my own, my questions were more along the lines of 'what's in it for me?'...'is it even worth my time?'...'what do I get out of it?'

A decade later, I realize that fulfillment, contentment, and satisfaction in life comes from offering a hand, a heart, an ear, a hug, an encouraging word to someone!

Folks, we have to look at others with compassion and offer assistance when we see a need. These are the imperishable things that we will leave behind us!

So the challenge is to ask yourself today: Who can I help? Who can I call and encourage? Who can I help motivate to accomplish that goal they're struggling with? How can I help my neighbor, friend, family, kids, spouse, boss, employees, stranger? How can I make a difference in someone's life today!

This is a source of true joy for me! I hope doing this, will bring you the same joy!!!! Have a great day!

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