Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Just some random ramblings....

Just a couple things I've had on my mind lately....

Why does everyone want to be the person up front? Why does everyone want to be famous, in the limelight?

In that light...they have a microscope on you...and if you where the wrong accessories w/ your dress, they'll slam you on Yahoo....all day!

In seeing this week's pics of the 'worst dressed from the Golden Globes' I was so sad that they would slam Madonna for her not so great choice for accessories. There is no room for least with the media, huh?

So with that in mind, I thought...why does so many want to be the next __________?

Hmmmm. Well, some are truly called. And some are truly not. How do some who are lacking the gifting make it to the top...without the gifts. And those, with all true sincerity and gifting, get pushed to back?

So sad that many sincere people really do get picked over because they stand for integrity and truth. And others get picked because they will go along with any plan and refuse to sharpen the iron with iron. We live in a time that 'men love to have their ears tickled'....many want to be in the right always, and when someone is willing to stand up and say "I don't agree with that"....well, they're kicked off the team.

I'm rambling...but we have to people who will do what God calls us to. Nothing LESS and nothing more...because usually, when we're moving on to do more w/out His anointing/leading...we're moving in the flesh. And if God don't build the house, the labor is in vain.

Which brings me to...what's up with gift envy? Not sure if this is a term...but I am making it up....and I'm talking about the spiritual gifts. We all have gifts and we gotta find ours and quit looking at what others have. Just like...ladies, quit worrying about who is wearing what the end it doesn't matter.

We need to figure out what our calling, our gifting and God-given talents are and use them! Use them before you lose the sensitivity to the Spirit! It's actually quite exhilirating to use your gifts, joy will permeate through your face...and that's always attractive!

Be content with the gifts He has given you. We need YOU using what God gave you. And if you think you should have other gifts...then you're really questioning what God planned out for your life...and in all my experience, HE KNOWS BEST so trust Him and use what you got!

Let's stop being envious of what spiritual gifts other people have and find our own. And then ask God to open the doors for us to use them. Then is when we experience joy...when we are moving in the Spirit, being where we're suppose to, praying with the ones who need us the most, sharing encouragement w/ the downtrodden, etc.

Let's do what God has for us to do...and be content with that. Then, maybe then, will He entrust us with more!

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