Tuesday, January 31, 2012

We all have something to give away...

We do...We all have something to give away.

Some have extra time, energy, finances, patience, encouragement, affection, a listening ear, wisdom...the list goes on and on. (Many of these things express love, btw.)

Are you sharing what you have?

We teach our kids to "share with others". Are we giving them an example to follow?

Search your heart, your abilities, your gifts, your possessions, your life today and see if there is something you can share with others. It may be a meal, a conversation, a book, a coat, coffee, or your presence. We all truly have something that someone else needs or could use.

What do you have that you could give away today?

What WILL you give away today?


  1. How about a meaningful conversation. How about some meaningful time. Giving doesn't have to be monetary. We can add value to others by listening and making the conversation about the person. Adding value and helping other people succeed can do wonders for people. It's not how many people know us but how many people we know:)

    1. Yes...I included time, encouragement, affection, patience, wisdom.

      You know me - I give away meaningful conversation all the time :) That's what people need: attention, interest, to be heard, to be responded to. Two-way conversations! Time and attention = love!
