Friday, February 3, 2012

Got "STUFF"?

We've all got "STUFF"? Don't we?

Some more than others. Men and women have different kind of STUFF.

Why do we gather so much STUFF? Don't think I'm talking to you? Read on...

To Women:

Look in your closet...seriously, how many pairs of shoes does one person need? And then some have a purse to match the shoes...or just a giant collection of purses. Right?

Some have a giant collection of jewelry. Some fancy/expensive...some costume.

Some have a knick-knack collection. Or some just never let go of anything and have a home full of clutter. You go get more stuff when you don't even use what you have...right?

Could stuff = clutter?

To Men:

Really, how many i-products do you need? At some point they all do the same thing right? What you can do on the ipad, you can do on your iphone...and what you can't - you can do on your mac...right?

And how much sports memorabilia do you need? Guns? Vehicles: truck, jet ski, boat, atv, etc.? You can only drive one thing at a time...why do you "need" so many of the same thing?


Look in your cars - stuff! Look at your offices - stuff! And then...look at the stuff YOU are collecting for your kids - YIKES! (I am guilty too!)

When you feel like the walls are closing in on you ever think to stop getting more stuff? And get rid of some? (Remembering not to replace it?)

Here's my concern and question for you:

What is the void that we are trying to fill w/ all that stuff?
  • Voids in our lives.
  • Voids in our relationships.
  • Voids in our marriages.
  • Voids in our spiritual walks. 
  • Voids in our career.
  • Voids in our children (that we could've prevented had we not been collecting stuff). 

When we turn to STUFF, collecting it, searching/shopping for it, trying it on, trying it out...our minds are distracted away from what we are lacking within ourselves...and  with those around us.

If you're a 'victim of stuff-itis' - listen to this:

But whatever things were gain to me,
those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ.
More than that, I count all things to be
loss in view of the
surpassing value of knowing
Christ Jesus my Lord,
for whom I have suffered the loss of all things,
and count them but rubbish
 (emphasis mine) - Philippians 3:7, 8

My challenge is for you to go look at all your stuff. Look at what you have. Look at the duplicates. Look at the 3 pairs of brown boots...besides the buckle, are they really that different? Besids the size, is your ipod much different from your nano?

Now before you start acquiring more of stuff...and more expensive, and more elaborate stuff...I want you to stop and...
  • Look at your heart.
  • Look at your relationships.
  • Look at the things in your life that may be void of peace, joy, and completeness.

Search until you find what is truly lacking in your life and go to God about it. Get to the root of it. Could the real answer be that your life, heart, relationships are void of CHRIST.

And I'm not just talking to those who don't even know Christ...I'm talking to the ones who do, but instead of having a rich, life-giving, powerful relationship with're turning to stuff for fulfillment instead of Jesus..who said "Come to me all who are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest..."

The STUFF will never be enough. You think: if I just get this, if I can just buy that, if I can just drive this, if I can just go there....the list goes on and on and on..."IF I CAN JUST________________, then ___________."

No - if you can just GAIN CHRIST in all His splendor...then you will _______________.  Do a study John 15 for more self-discovery.

Discontentment is expensive and never fulfilling. Go to God to fill that void that your are attempting to fill with stuff. Then and only then, will you be satisfied, content, fulfilled, and complete.

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