Friday, August 17, 2012

I'm not religious...

Did you know that I'm not religious and Jesus isn't either?

It's interesting to me how many people use this word to describe me. I know it's because of their lack of knowledge of the true living, daily relationship that is available with Jesus.

When you read the New Testament, the Pharisees were the religious people. And they rejected the truth that Jesus was God's Son....Jesus was God in the flesh....Jesus was the promised Messiah. They rejected the idea that He would reign forever at the right hand of the Father.

It was the religious Pharisees that crucified Jesus on the cross. This is why being called "religious" is a pet peeve of mine. I do realize that people mean no harm in it. They intend for it to be a compliment. But I don't want to be religious. I equate religiousness to the Pharisees, and they rejected the cornerstone of my faith!

I want to be called a true follower of Christ,
a disciple of Christ.

Somewhere along the lines, even being called a Christian isn't so positive sounding anymore. So many 'Christians' reject the very people that Christ died for. So many 'Christians' are hurting their family of God. So many people are being hurt and wounded by 'Christians'. It is a sad, sad thing. Those 'Christians' are acting like the Pharisees. I guess you could say they are being 'religious Christians'.

It's easy to appear like you have it all together when you only let your immediate family (that lives with you) see the real you. You know....the raging, easily angered, disrespectful, impatient selfish YOU.

But then Sunday comes and you show up to church, smiling, saying "Praise the Lord" tithe the 10% because your supposed to...and that's it. There's no overflow of true desperation for the presence of Jesus in your life. You just want to say that "you go to church", "you tithe", and so on. You do what you're supposed to do for mere purpose of feeling as though you are 'fulfilling your duties as a Christian'.

To be a follower of Christ, it actually means loving Him so much that you WANT to go to church, you want to wake up early to read your Bible and spend time talking to God and letting your heart be open to what He says. It goes much deeper than 'doing the right things' alone.

Your passion for Jesus needs to be so intense that all the 'right things'
are just a natural overflow of your commitment to Him and His Word.

You've probably heard it said:


See, Jesus wants your heart and a relationship with you! He doesn't need you to try to 'be religious'. He just wants your attention and love. When you abandon the world's standards and open up your mind to the Word of God and ask Jesus to give you His Holy Spirit, your life will change.

This will not make you 'religious'. This WILL guarantee your eternal destination...and it will open the door for you to discover who Jesus really is, and who He made you to be!

So for the record:
I'm not religious....
I'm a lover and follower of Jesus Christ, God Most High!

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