Friday, January 18, 2013

Lance Armstrong & Disappointment

I typically don't blog on this topic, however, I will tie it into the topics I typically do write about.

And disclaimer: I have not googled for articles to educate myself on the topic 100%, I am responding to a few posts and conversations I've seen and had this week.

So turns out that Lance Armstrong did not win all those races NATURALLY, right? And it turns out that people are totally shocked, disappointed, and devastated over it.

I read a post that read something like, "Lance was the pinup boy for the St. Jude's Cancer Kids and they worshipped him". Hmmmm. You see where I am going?

Another friend said, "He was an ICON". Is that similar to IDOL?

I am not for one second saying what he did was right, at all. But let's put this in perspective.

We live in a society that idolizes winner, the rich, the great. Think about Tiger Woods? His affairs that devastated and betrayed his fans.

Personally, I am usually NEVER shocked by people's sin. When people come out of the closet re: drugs, affairs, or just plain 'ol 'coming out of the closet'...I say 'wow....what now?' I don't get stuck on what they did, I do however, want to know what they are going to do from this point. Will they turn away from this tragic behavior, or repeat? Do they need help getting out of that bondage? Do they need prayer? Counseling? Help? There's more to these 'devastating deeds'. There is brokenness, addiction, lust, habitual behavior that has them 'locked up'. These people need someone to come along the side of them and help them see the light and walk in it.

Unfortunately, we live in a society that glamourizes the famous, the best bodies, heros, great preachers, amazing actors, actresses, singers, doctors, inventors, etc. The list goes on and on. Look through our kids' bedrooms, what is it plastered with? Posters, bed covers, sheets of some character or something they love and possibly obsessed with. This idolatry starts young...look at your dvd collection.

My commentary on this Lance thing is this:
  • I'm not shocked he used steroids for better performance.
  • I am shocked at the way people are so devastated, angry and bitter.
  • It's apparent that people idolized and worshipped him.
  • It's sad that he would succumb to the pressure to be the best and do what it took.
  • It's sad that he would have loose morals.
  • It's sad he would use drugs, break the law.
  • It's sad that he would jeopardize his integrity and health to win.

But that's what people, society wants. The best, the richest, the smartest, the most amazing are worshipped...and so those who are nearly there on their own buy into the lie to 'DO WHATEVER IT TAKES'.

So Lance, he met people's expectations, he amazed them. He was the most amazing and the best. But he did whatever it took to get there. The guy has come to the end of his road. His efforts for self-sufficiency has come to a close. Someone get me his number, let me call him and tell him about a 'better way'.

This kind of idolatry is similar to people of churches or organizations who lose hope with their 'leader', when he/she gets caught in sin. When the leader 'betrays' them, or someone.

The Bible clearly warns us in the first 2 of the Top Ten in Exodus 20:
  • You shall have no other gods before Me.
  • You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth.  You shall not worship them or serve them.
These are the TOP 2 - this is why there are so many devastated over Lance...this is why so many Christians are devastated over leaders hurting them. Some how, some where the icon, leader, winner, star, etc. became a 'god' (lower case g) in their lives. People placed these people as an idol in their life and worshipped them.

Do you think perhaps this is why the Lord warned us from the start of the commandments, from the start in the Bible to NOT do this.

Clearly, the pain is warranted by the betrayal. But how often do people let that disappointment gravely and negatively affect their lives? How many fall out of fellowship with the Lord, other believers in the case of hurt from the church, church people.

Remember, we live in a 'fallen' world. A place where everyone is vulnerable to sin.

We've heard it said, 'a sin is a sin, is a sin'. Lying is as bad as adultery. Consequences and hurt may not be the same, but both are sin...and both call for repentance. Same as stealing, murder, etc. Move from the Top Ten and go into the New Testament into the book of Matthew and find what Jesus taught regarding these offenses...even with these desires in your heart is sinfulness.

Question now: Are you still shocked?

LESSON and AGREEMENT: Let's not put one person: celebrity, sports figure, friend, pastor, boss, relative, etc. above the Lord. Be mindful that they are human and have the capacity to blow it big time.

It is about expectations. If we expect people to be perfect 100% of the time, we will be disappointed. If we expect them never to say the wrong thing, do the wrong thing, or fail, we will be disappointed.

Personally, when I hear of betrayal, dishonesty...I grimace and say, 'Darn it....what a bummer'...I'm not happy about it at all. But my next words usually are: 'See, everyone still neeeds Jesus...some for the first time...some again...or more.'
I once heard it said, "We need our Savior everyday".

If we keep this in perspective and look at everyone around us, stars or everyday people, friends and family....when they blow it, sin, hurt, betray...hopefully we will have a heart of compassion for them and say, "They are in need of some of the Lord's forgiveness and saving grace. They need some divine help."

That's what it boils down to....WE ALL NEED MORE JESUS!

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