Thursday, January 10, 2013

Searching for the answer....

It's awesome to unplug from forums of opinion and bask in the truth. Things we do for leisure or entertainment easily usurp our time and attention from the things that God has for us.

In recent weeks, I have taken on an endeavor to figure out 'my theology'. Yet I found myself setting out on a mission to see 'who' is right.

As with politicians being left-wing and right-wing, there seems to be left and right-wing Christians (for lack of better words).

I am a mathematician however. And for me, I need ONE answer. The right answer. See, 2+2 is always 4. So as I sit and listen to these 'two sides' of theology, I sit before God and say, "Lord, what is the right answer?"

I still don't know...I am still praying and searching the Word, and seeking answers from Jesus.
I realize that it is not necessarily 'peacemaking' to call attention to this mission and question:
Which sect of Christians are right and who is wrong? That is contradictory in a sense.

However, I sit stumped when I look at the 'let me suffer as I serve God' people. Yes, Christ was a servant, He died a criminal's death, Christ suffered. So then, there is a group of people who stay swallowed up in their suffering. Is it 'Christ-like' to suffer? From the surface, many say "YES".

Then there is the 'other group' who is claiming the greatest life ever is to be experienced here on earth. Most commonly called 'Prosperity Gospel Teachers'. Unfortunately, this title is interchangeable with false teachers, heretical teachers. And most time, it is the 'suffering people' calling them so.

I too see why so many 'non-believers', 'non-Christians' don't choose Christ. Because from the outside looking in, and looking at the two opposite ends of the spectrum, people don't understand how we can sit so far from eachother on doctrine and theology, yet still claim to 'believe in Christ'. They want to know 'who is right?'....just as I questioned above.

I think what is important is for each person to go on their own journey to figure out what the Bible says. Living in a society who quickly does the latest trend just because it's called a trend. A society who upgrades every time a 'new, latest version' is offered. We quickly jump on the band wagon that gives us what we 'want'.

Some want to be released from responsibility of having a powerful prayer life, a life of worship and faith, and they receive trials and tribulations as 'God's will of a life of suffering'. The only trouble I have is that many who fall into this sect lack joy, peace, and zeal for God. That doesn't line up with what I read.

On the other end, you have people who are so caught up in the materialism of this world, that they chase God for what He will GIVE...and not for who is IS. Not always. But a lot. You hear more about their money and things, their latest trips and purchases, and less about current testimonies of God, their serving of the Lord. Their lives look more similar to the world, than Christ.

So there again, we come to the confusion. How can it be so paradoxical? This is when we forget who is saying and doing what, and seek the scriptures ourselves.

That's what I've been doing. Take for example John 10:10:
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;
I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.
I spent time this morning looking up the original Greek of each word on
This is important to know what the original meaning is of this word.
While I am studying this more...I have a couple of questions for both sides of the spectrum on this.
To the 'sufferers for Christ sake':
- Do you know who the thief is?
- Do you know what spiritual warfare is?
- Do you believe that our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places - Ephesians 6:12?
- Do you truly believe that all the bad in your life is sent from God?
- What then is your view of God?
- Does a good Father want His children miserable, walking around with long faces?
To the prosperity folks:
- Do you have the life that Jesus has called you to?
- Are you fulfilling God's purpose for your life?
- Do you believe that material blessings are sure sign you are right with God?
- Is Jesus Lord over your life?
- Is pursuing 'abundance' your life mission/goal?
- What is the meaning of LIFE?
- What is abundant life? Abundant things?
- If the greatest life is here on earth, then why would heaven be what we are to look forward to?
Where do you sit? And why? Do you have biblical explanation to establish why you believe the way you do? Or do you just believe the way your pastor has taught you? Or do you believe the way you do because you are making the Word fit your life, instead of your life fitting the Word?
We love comfort. So do we believe what gives us the most comfort?
While I may be challenging you...don't miss my main point:
My goal in life is to study the Word and find the truth that God would reveal specifically to me. I am a reasonable person who too often sees 'both sides of a story'. So in this case, I see truth in both conclusions, yet I cannot agree that either one is spot-on.
My concern is that too many fall too far to the extreme sides of each school of thought...further creating a chasm in the body of Christ, leaving divisions as a means of losing the 'lost' further by the wayside.
My mission is to find the the narrow road...What do I mean? Well, Jesus said the gate is narrow. To my mathematical mind, there is no way that either extreme is 100% correct. Make sense?
Fortunately, I don't have to have the final answer today. However, it is my responsibility to pursue the One who knows, abide in Him (John 15:5) and walk by the Spirit, as the Spirit leads - Galatians 5:16.
We've heard it said, 'Jesus is the answer' therefore, I am seeking Him.
John 14:6 says, "Jesus said to him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me."
He is the Word as well, read John 1:1-5: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.  All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.
Is it safe to say any method of living determined outside of the Word of God is unsound? Hmmmm. Just thought I would ask.
Yet, here is where my ministry focus will always be: TAKE PEOPLE TO JESUS.
Do we really need anything outside of that? And don't worry, as you pursue Him with prayer and worship, and a heart to understand Him, He will work out the details of the who, what, when, where, how. Your job is to show up in His presence and let Him impart the knowledge He has for YOU.
See you have a calling. A purpose that He designed YOU to fulfill. You cannot find it outside of His presence, outside of prayer, or outside of the Word. So be sure in all your pursuits of prosperity or endurance to suffer, you are pursuing Christ first!

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