Sunday, June 5, 2011

Flexing my prayer!

Many of you go to church on Sunday...and many of you do not. If you enjoy a little 'spiritual' boost weekly, but don't believe in 'organized religion', I will try to offer that boost to you on Sundays.

Today, I felt led to share a prayer. I hope that it renews your hope and encourages you this beautiful Sunday!

Lord, in Jesus' name I pray for all the tired men and women who have had their patience tested, their endurance stretched, and their physical needs left unmet this week. I pray full nights' rest tonight for the weary and sleep deprived, and I ask to give an extra measure of affection and comfort to the lonely and brokenhearted.

God, reveal Yourself in an amazing powerful way today. Cause the truth of Your Word to penetrate our hearts, minds, and thoughts. Help us to hear Your voice amidst the noise that so easily distracts and derails us. Help us to have the strength to obey Your Word with joy and excitement. Broaden our horizons, open doors of ministry and friendship, and bring healing to the areas of death and famine in our lives.

Lord, some of us need miracles in our finances, our jobs, our marriages, our extended families, in our bodies...I ask in Jesus' mighty name that you would provide those miracles today Lord! Give us the faith to believe You for them & receive them. Lord, just as the apostles asked in Luke 17:5, 'Increase our faith Lord'...increase ours' today Lord. 

Provide a day of rest to the weak and rejuvenate our 'earthly dwellings' Lord, we need full cooperation of our bodies to complete all the tasks ahead of us tomorrow, as well as this next week. For those who do not know You as Lord and Savior, I pray Jesus that You would send a messenger to share Your love, Your grace, and mercy to them. I pray for open hearts and minds to the simplicity of the Gospel and lives to be changed by this prayer tonight. I so deeply believe Lord that it is Your will that all shall be saved and united with You, so God move and make a way for the unsaved's salvation and bring the lost home today.

Lord, to all those who need an extra dose of grace, pour it out on them, help those who need to forgive themselves accept Your forgiveness and forge ahead into the life that You have for them, in Jesus name. And for those who live a life to please You and love you...Lord bless them 'above and beyond all they can hope and imagine' for their efforts, in Jesus name and pray all these things...Amen.

As I was going through photos, I found this pic and thought to myself, here I am sowing seed in my amazing that I wonder at the end of this prayer, how many seeds are sown into your heart? I am a firm believer and follower of Jesus. As you can ask my older son, 'who is Jesus?' - Even he will tell you that Jesus is Lord and Savior.

My hope is that I did bring hope and peace to your heart today. I am a person of prayer and I know that when I pray things that line up with God's Word, those things happen. So I hope that you will remember this post today and if & when you need a little inspiration, you will return to reread it and plug your name into it. God has wonderful plans for you! He really, really does!

God bless you today...........Jen

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for this Jen! Your prayer is perfect. I had a feeling of calmness just reading it.
