Sunday, June 12, 2011


About 2 months ago, this word started resinating in my heart..sifting, sifting, sifting.  And in the last month I have witnessed some sifting here and a variety of places, all shapes & sizes.

Sifting is defined as 'to seperate'...'remove impurities, take out residue'.

So, for you, I have a few questions: do you see 'sifting' around you? In you? In your relationships? In your life? Who is doing the sifting?

Let's consider it this way too: is bad being seperated from the good? Or is the good being saved from the bad? Hmmmm. I could go deeper...but I will let you come up with an explanation and I would love to hear it and dialog with you. As you go about your day I want you to ponder this as your mind is mindful of the Lord.

This is the image I got when I googled 'sifting'.
If you're sifting for gold, seperating the rocks from the gold...then what happens after you have the gold seperated? Refining...Refining removes even more impurities...with high heat.

I guess you can further conclude that when the sifting begins, hang on...because the refining is around the corner. As I write this, I am reminded that this was a word on my heart, so what is the Lord preparing me for? What is He sifting in my life?

His sifting and His refining is gets rid of the residue of the world to leave me more readily available to do His work and His will. Lord prepare the way and prepare me! Amen?

I hope you have a wonderful & happy SONday!

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