Tuesday, October 11, 2011

10 Years Ago, today - My Day of Salvation

TODAY IS OCTOBER 14, 2011 - It is a significant day for me!

Today marks an anniversary for me. Ten years ago today, I gave my life to Lord at a Billy Graham crusade.

And it has been the most amazing 10 years of my life.

Just the other day, I noted on a friend's FB page that my wedding day was the 2nd most amazing day of my life...my first son's birth was the 3rd, and my second son's birth was the 4th.

The #1 day of my life was the day I heard of the love of Jesus & His offer of free salvation to me.

October 14, 2001 was a Sunday. I was a realtor at the time. And on that Sunday, I had an open house from 1-4 p.m. I remember it was a huge, gorgeous, custom-built home on Jill Jean Ave. off Norris. Gorgeous neighborhood of custom built homes. There was no reason why this home shouldn't have sold that day, except for the fact that I had to leave Bakersfield at 4:30 p.m. to make it to Fresno for the Billy Graham Crusade event start at 7 p.m...And I had a divine appt. w/ God. I took my friend/hairdresser Rachel w/ me. (BTW - she has witnessed numerous things in my spiritual walk, it's as tho' she is my ordained witness to God's hand in my life).

Now while I 'raised my hand in a church service' numerous times the summer proceeding this road trip, nothing really happened. My hand-raising was more agreement that my life needed to change...but I still lacked knowledge of who Christ was & the importance of His death on the cross, the power of His resurrection, and the role of the Holy Spirit in my life.  That summer, my hand-raising was more out of emotion, and not necessarily an understanding of salvation and Jesus Christ. I understand why change never took place until this night w/ Billy Graham.

That night at the BG event, Billy spoke of the love of Christ. I mean the deep love and acceptance Christ has for us. Now, if you knew anything about me from childhood & up....that was what I always longed & yearned for: unconditional love & acceptance.

Then Mr. Graham went on to explain what sin in my life was doing. And boy, at this time of my life from 2000-2001 - boy, did I have sin....multiple ones. The summer of 2001, wow, I think I tipped the scale w/ all my partying and 'relationships'. I was in need of a Savior for sure!

That night, he didn't just ask us to raise our hands, he said come down to the football field (as we were in Fresno State's football stadium). And I told my friend, "I gotta go down there"!

Raised my hands -
Finally fully surrendered
to the LORD!
Once I got down to the football field (from all the way at the top of the seats in the stadium), I raised my hands high during the prayer, and this time - I meant it. I fully understood what the sin in my life was doing, I fully understood what Jesus Christ did on the cross, I fully understood that if I wanted to go to heaven, I needed Jesus...and I fully understood that the Holy Spirit would change me from the inside out. I was finally at the place of understanding & was fully embracing all that God was, is, and would do in me.

That was the best night of my life. However, while I meant every word I said, I did not go from party animal to angel overnight. Overtime, however, all the things I thought were fun (like drugs & alcohol) lost their appeal (the power of conviction)...and I began my walk with the Lord. Despite drinking on the weekends, I still made it to church (yes, w/a hangover sometimes). But as I told one of my friends, "If I stop going to church....then I'll never stop drinking". (And I'm not talking one drink on a Friday night...I mean, drinking from 8 p.m. - 3 a.m. on Friday & Saturdays...and 2+ on the weeknights).

I did not 'get right & then start going to church'. I realized that the information at church would help me pursue God with greater ambition. I continued to learn about the Bible. And of course, I showed up in time to worship the Lord and sing to Him. I was so zealous to extend my worship and love to Jesus. All that He forgave me for, all that He was doing in my life, and all that He would continue to do....it all deserved my praise and worship. He is amazing!

I quickly learned at church to walk with God included: a prayer life, time in the Word, church attendance, serving others w/ the love of God, and depending on HIM daily.

Although, I am still no where near perfect...I am so grateful that looking back over the last 10 years, I stayed on the path set before me. I have not, for one season, gone back to the 'old life'. I did everything I could to get out of the club scene (in fact, relocated out of Bakersfield for a season).

Now, I stay in the Word, I stay accountable to my God-loving friends, and stay in a place of thanking and worshipping Christ for the life He saved me from.

To read my testimony that was published in a Billy Graham Decision magazine, click here:

I am celebrating my 10 years with Lord today.
I'm in awe of where He brought me from...
and now where He is taking me!

Have a fantastic Friday!

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