Friday, November 25, 2011

Did you fit everyone in yesterday?

How was your Thanksgiving? We had a great Thanksgiving – great food, family, and fellowship.

One thing I struggled with was making it over to see my family. It's tough when you have a 12:30 appointment for lunch, and then a 3 o'clock invitation for dinner. It's hard to fit everyone into on day.

What makes it even more difficult is the asthmatic kid who can't go because of the dog...and 3 p.m. is nap time for the little one. So you know as soon as you get him buckled in, he will fall asleep on the way, he'll wake up as soon as you take him out...and the visit will be interrupted by a screaming, fussy, tired baby, right?

So what do you do? Well, I did the unthinkable – I didn't make it for that early dinner.

Devastation right? Well here was one thought I had last night to bring relief to my conscience:

Why do we wait all year to make time to visit that extended family?
Why do we go months without seeing each other, and then
put on the hustle-bustle pressure to fit everyone in 1 day?

Looking at my life - now, I have two kids that take high priority over my extended family. My immediate family of husband & 2 boys come before my parents, siblings, aunts/uncles now. So I realize, in the future, I may disappoint a few people because my now, immediate family comes first.

Interesting season in life I'm in. I'm naturally a 'people-pleaser' – can anyone relate? So to not drag my family all over town in hopes of 'pleasing others' is a difficult thing for me to do. Saying "I can't" is unimaginable for me.

But last night, while I struggled over feeling like I let some folks down...I was relieved that I didn't feel awful over dragging my tired/under-the-weather kids around town in their car seats all afternoon.

So for what it's worth, if you didn't fit everyone in yesterday – there's grace. Let's just jump at having them over, first chance.

And let's not wait until the holidays to see them – we have all year to visit.
Let's not let Thanksgiving and Christmas be the days to cram everyone in.
Let's have family dinners, potlucks throughout the year!

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