Friday, June 24, 2011


Today is Friday, the last day of a week that I implemented a new strategy to get my life more organized and efficient. I touched on some things that I was doing in my posts this week, but thought I would recap in case you missed it:

Here's some new things I am doing to be a better time-manager:
  1. Up at 5 a.m. to workout. I was working out at 9 or 10 a.m. which was a primetime for either the park/playing with the kids, or running important errands (without suffering 100 degree weather).
  2. Start my 'work' at 6:30 a.m. to about 8 a.m. while the kids sleep. Blog, emails, FB stuff done when they wake up hungry.
  3. Get self in gear & showered by 9ish. Out the door by 9:30/10 a.m.
  4. Write out my to-do list the night before to wake up w/ a plan for the next day.
  5. Practice laser-beam focus when on the internet to get 'work' done & not get sidetracked.
  6. Plan a fun activity w/ my boys & follow through. This week we made it to a spray park & a museum. Planning something else today.
  7. Home by 4 p.m.
The results of this new strategy:
  1. Increase in productivity. Gained ground and momentum with business & increase in sales.
  2. Time available to friends in need.
  3. DAILY hit or misses.
  4. Home in time to have dinner hot & ready for hubby.
  5. And most importantly: more QUALITY time with my kids.
What's awesome about this is...these are my priorities: Husband, kids, personal fitness, a successful business, and time left over to help others.


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