Monday, April 23, 2012


How do we make God feel? Keep that question in mind as I run through some scenarios.

  • You have a best friend that says she'll spend time with you. You haven't seen her for a long time and she promises a day with you. You have big plans of all the wonderful things you will share with her...and you can't wait to hear about life in her world. But the day comes and 'something comes up'. She promises next week you will get together, but the week rolls by without a day together. Couple things I would be thinking...1) Is she really a best friend? 2) Actions speak louder than words.

  • Your spouse works long hours, and when you finally have potential time to spend together, they are either grumpy/complainy about the demands of life or voice that they'd really love to indulge in their hobby than spend time with you. There's already a void in your relationship throughout the week by their long hours, and even when the weekend comes, no special time is set aside for you...again. Couple things I would be thinking....1) Does my spouse really love me? 2) Actions speak louder than words.

QUESTION: Aren't we the best friend/spouse to God?

Think about it. Challenge yourself with this question. Do you spend the time with God that you promise Him. Do you make your appointment with Him daily? Weekly? Do you share the wonderful things of life with Him, like you do your friends....or do you only complain. Which complaining is okay, we do that with friends and He wants us to cast our cares and burdens on Him...but do you celebrate life with Him. Or do you only run to Him in crisis - ONLY?

Is work, hobbies, friends, work/making $$$ or everything else - more important than God? Look at your calendar. What activities in your schedule include God? Does where you spend your time communicate that God is a top priority? 

We say we love God, but do our actions say so? 

  • Our children need more of us. We say they are our number one priorities. We promise trips to the park, coloring book time, reading time, cuddle time....but somehow, somewhere all that time turns into chores time, phone w/ friends time, or social media time. Our kids are longing for us. And we are absent in the home, physically present, socially unavailable - leaving our kids unstimulated, without affection, and without attention that communicates YOU ARE PRIORITY. Couple things I'm thinking....1) No wonder kids need meds, they're emotinally bankrupt. 2) Actions speak louder than words.

QUESTION: What if God was a parent like us?

Hardly available to listen to us? Unavailable to help us in life? Leaving us independent, forcing us to survive this world on our own without guidance?

Thank God He doesn't, right? Thank God He's NOT! He is readily available to listen, to rescue, to provide, to comfort us. When we talk to Him, He is fully listening. We are His #1 priority and He very well communicates that to me.

So here's the challenge:
Do what you say you're going to do
for God/with God - consistently.

You will finally gain some spiritual ground, you'll spiritually grow....and then, you will be able to be the parent your kids need, the spouse your husband/wife needs. You will soon become the child of God He intended for you to be!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this, Jen. Conviction or motivation, no matter how you look at's true: back up your words with action otherwise it's just lip service!
