Thursday, June 30, 2011

Was I too tough on you this week?

Looking over my last few posts, I was worried that I was too hard on you. In fact, I was asking myself, "what's my problem?" Why am I pounding my readers over the head w/ 'push yourself', 'try harder', 'stop procastinating'?

And yesterday, during a conversation w/ a friend, I realized what it is.

In the last 2 weeks, I have had soooooo many conversations with people about health issues that are all related to: lack of diet & exercise.

Do any of you see or understand that diet & exercise are actually PREVENTITIVE measures you can take to avoid many diseases and conditions. Instead, many go with the 'reactive route' of medicines, procedures, prescriptions, and still deal with the diseases/disorders/conditions/discomfort/early death.

Don't even get me started about how I feel that doctors should be more proactive with patients and get them plugged into a regimen to be healthier, until waiting 'til it's too late to just prescribe a pill, injection, potion, or lotion.

In the last 2 weeks, I've heard of people who have been diagnosed with:
  • Borderline diabetes (a person that I've shared health & diet w/ over 2 years)
  • Chronic Kidney Disease (a person I've pleaded with to give up sodas (4-6/day) for 7 years)
  • Diabetes (a person who needs the shots & medicine, who is reluctant to eat better)
  • Kidney Disease (a soda-addict that now goes 3X/wk. for their 'blood to be cleaned'/dialysis)
  • COPD (this condition will progress thru stages, to the point of chronic pneumonia/on oxygen - this person is still smoking)
  • High Blood Pressure (this person says, "I only have HBP"....for now...and they're not making changes w/ their diet/exercise)
  • Liver Disease (this person has been a chronic pill popper, pain med consumer)
All these things are pretty preventable through making healthy choices. Can you see why I get so fired up & passionate?

A couple months ago, a friend of mine asked me how I stay motivated to just keep going w/ my workouts and eating lean. Look at that list above - I DO NOT WANT THOSE THINGS!!!! I want quality of life when I'm in my 50s & 60s. I don't want to spend my days when I'm 'retired' in the docs offices, in line at the pharmacy, plugged into machines to breathe/live, etc.

What can you do today? Stop the crazy soda consumption. Give up smoking. Start walking, jogging, a workout program. Drink more water. Decrease your red meat consumption. Cut back on caffeine. Cut back/give up the alcoholic drinks nightly. Stop stuffing your gut w/ cookies/cakes/ice cream - SUGARS. Give up the pizza dipped in ranch w/ a super wedge! Eat the green stuff, the lean stuff, the healthy stuff - and get moving ASAP!

This is why I share a message of self-control. When we control our appetites & desires for unhealthy foods/drinks, we are setting ourselves up for a better life, one of less disease. Hear my heart - make better choices so that you can have a better life! Please.....

P.S. Get your kids off this junk too - people are getting sicker earlier....and we as parents need to be more responsible w/ what we feed our kids! Help them live longer while they have you.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Vicious Procastination

So the first half of 2011 is gone and are you where you said you would be? Have you got done what you set out to do?

Who of you said that you would lose weight at the first of the year?

Who of you said that come summer, you'd be in shape?

Who of you are tired of procastinating & just finally want to get w/ the program?

Stop procastinating! Some of you procastinate by avoiding work, avoiding chores, avoiding anything that requires effort or takes any kind of self-discipline. This is then followed by feelings of being overwhelmed, discouragement, maybe even anxiety/depression. But you can stop this vicious cycle by taking action today!

Today, I want you to set 2-5 goals you want to achieve. Then brainstorm on how you can get there. Set some deadlines, and then start putting action toward those goals. You can do it! Make yourself do what is good for you so that you can have a life that is great!

Enlist me as your free coach! I will help you reach those goals you long for...especially when it comes to weight loss! I am diehard -  you will appreciate it when the inches come off, the lbs. are shed! Let's lose that weight once & for all! Email me at or friend me on FB.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Do you REALLY push yourself?

Do you really push yourself? Yesterday's list of reminders may force someone to push themselves against the grain with their daily time-management alone.

(View this quick check off list here:

But are you one to challenge yourself to go beyond what you are comfortable with? Do you force yourself to stick to standards and limits? Or do you just do what you want, what feels good? Do you indulge yourself in anything and everything you want? Are you responsible?

Somewhere along the way, self-indulgence has been glamorized. What a shame, perhaps this mentality is why 65% of America is overweight and obese. Perhaps this is why there were more than 200,000 foreclosures in April of this year alone (this seems to be the monthly average). People were unwilling to stay within guidelines of their finances and overextended themselves.

I'm not here to point the finger, but to sober the general population to the idea that people are just not pushing themselves hard enough in areas that are affecting their personal lives...and has had a negative effect on our economy as well.

You ask, "how does me being overweight affect the U.S. economy?" Google it. Think about all the people who are receiving public medical aid for conditions that are TOTALLY preventable through diet and exercise? Diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol. Now, we have 33% of American children who are overweight or obese. Childhood obesity is on the rise, only to be followed by a rise in childhood cases of diabetes. AND IT'S ALL PREVENTABLE!!! (Stay with me...)

Here's the solution, it's kinda a no-brainer - PUSH YOURSELF TO BE YOUR BEST! Period. Make yourself get up every morning and exercise. I don't care if it's a dvd program, a trip to the gym, a 30 min. walk around your neighborhood, a bike ride on the bike trail or jog....JUST GET MOVING! It will also take you pushing yourself to have SELF-CONTROL and tell yourself 'no' when it comes to things that are not healthy.

I am passionate about this stuff because I believe that we have gotten lazy about the things that impact our homes. Overeating, overspending, overcommitting, over - you name it! I want you to want more for yourself & I want to see you push yourself to get there, to achieve it!

I laid awake at 1 in the morning thinking about this...and I have to get it off my chest today. I hope you hear my heart: I want MORE FOR YOU! Let me know if I can help.

Monday, June 27, 2011

REMINDERS for the week!!!

  • Make time for your workouts - put it on your list of to-dos!
  • Count your calories and track them.
  • Schedule time to pay bills & keep your checkbook balanced.
  • Pay cash for items - DON'T swipe the card everywhere you go.
  • Stick to the budget! Stick to your shopping lists!
  • What's your # 1 priority today! This week!
  • Who are your # 1s?
  • Keep margins in your time.
  • Pack healthy snacks when running errands.
  • Make time to play in the backyard w/ the kids.
  • Make time to listen to your spouses heart & pray for him/her.
  • Be responsible today & don't procastinate.
  • Start the week out strong & focused!
  • Smile on the inside & out! 

I work hard to play hard...but sometimes I focus on the work part a lot more than the play part. And when these 2 are my playdate can I not stop what I'm doing and have some fun?

My #1s!!!!

This is what I needed to remind myself of today before I start another week a little disorganized & in a hurry!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

What is your compass to life?

What is your guiding light in your life? What are the values you have founded your life upon?

For me, mine is the infallible Word of God - the Bible. In everything I pursue, I refuse to deny that the Bible is the ultimate authority in my life. And life is made easy by this.

If people ask me what my opinion is on certain topics & issues, I just go to the Word, see what God says about it, and then I know my answer! It's amazing how easy the Word can make decisions too. When you study what God says about it, see what happened to people who chased that path, you realize the need to follow the wisdom the Word gives.

In addition to wisdom, the Word gives encouragement in our time of need. Just this week, I was walking a friend through some scripture to give her hope. I turned to Psalm 23...then turned a couple pages and read this to her:

"Turn to me and be gracious to me,
For I am lonely and afflicted,
The troubles of my heart are enlarged;
Bring me out of my distresses...."
Psalm 25:16, 17

How refreshing is that when you are in a distressed moment and feel like the world is falling down on top of you?

Here's a verse that I have fully founded my faith on. It is the one that keeps my mind sober and alert to deceit, trickery, and deception: "...if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues which are written in this book; and if anyone takes away form the words of the book....God will take away his part from the tree of life." In a nutshell: Don't veer off course and depart from the Word....EVER! It works. Everything in it works! I'm living proof in a variety of areas of my life!

Don't own a Bible, visit today!

Saturday, June 25, 2011


I am going through this 30 day challenge thing, I'll have to tell you more about it next week, since I will have completed it then..and I will share with you some nuggets that are changing my life.

Today's short video was in regards to 'celebrating your successes'. Wonderfully coincidently, I want to feature YOUR success stories on my blog on Saturdays (Success Story Saturday). But I need to hear from you. I want to hear your story. You all hear my stories...but I want to hear what you are doing. And I want to celebrate you!

This isn't something to be shy and feel that others will judge you for being boastful. This is something I see that is lacking in our lives/society. Bonafide, genuine recognition. I am a natural encourager. Ask many of my friends, it just oozes out of me...I can't really take credit for it either, it's just how I was made by my Maker.

So I want to celebrate you, I want to encourage you that it's working and it's wonderful that you reached a goal or completed what you set out to do. Whether it's you just started implementing a budget, you just gave up sodas this week, you finished a book that will change your life. Or a big deal like you just paid off your car,...or maybe it's huge, like you just received your Master's Degree, or lost 100-200 lbs. similarly to my husband (, or you saved your marriage. Share some nitty-gritty stuff.

Whatever it is - TELL ME ABOUT IT, PLEASE! In my eyes, any completion of something, any goal reached is something to be celebrated ALWAYS!

Please email your stories, pics to (You can multiple ones too). I want to hear from you. There are incentives, but you'll never know unless you are bold, speak up. Let me celebrate you!!! SERIOUSLY!

Friday, June 24, 2011


Today is Friday, the last day of a week that I implemented a new strategy to get my life more organized and efficient. I touched on some things that I was doing in my posts this week, but thought I would recap in case you missed it:

Here's some new things I am doing to be a better time-manager:
  1. Up at 5 a.m. to workout. I was working out at 9 or 10 a.m. which was a primetime for either the park/playing with the kids, or running important errands (without suffering 100 degree weather).
  2. Start my 'work' at 6:30 a.m. to about 8 a.m. while the kids sleep. Blog, emails, FB stuff done when they wake up hungry.
  3. Get self in gear & showered by 9ish. Out the door by 9:30/10 a.m.
  4. Write out my to-do list the night before to wake up w/ a plan for the next day.
  5. Practice laser-beam focus when on the internet to get 'work' done & not get sidetracked.
  6. Plan a fun activity w/ my boys & follow through. This week we made it to a spray park & a museum. Planning something else today.
  7. Home by 4 p.m.
The results of this new strategy:
  1. Increase in productivity. Gained ground and momentum with business & increase in sales.
  2. Time available to friends in need.
  3. DAILY hit or misses.
  4. Home in time to have dinner hot & ready for hubby.
  5. And most importantly: more QUALITY time with my kids.
What's awesome about this is...these are my priorities: Husband, kids, personal fitness, a successful business, and time left over to help others.


Thursday, June 23, 2011

What is your secret? Don't let it hold you back!

What is your secret? What is your secret re: food? What is your secret re: money? What is your secret re: your marriage?

I by no means am perfect, but I strive to be my best in my personal life, with my kids, my husband, my fitness and finances.

I live on a budget. I don't shop impulsively w/ credit cards. Groceries, utilities, mortgage payment, and personal need items are FIRST...anything else is covered when we NEED it.

My marriage is the thing that challenges me most because I can be very implusive w/ words, overly independent, and outspoken about it! I work on this daily as I pray for husband, try to be more understanding with him, and as selfless as possible in our relationship.

When it comes to my kids, my greatest challenge is making special quality time WITH them. When I go to the park w/ them, I try to play WITH them there. In the backyard, I swing WITH them. This is something that is so high priority to me, I have gotten myself on a better schedule of getting up at dark:30 a.m. to have more time with them. Today, I have something planned for Daniel that is going to bless him sooooooo much. And I am excited to make him feel so excited & happy!

My workouts are priority as well. I now get up at 5ish to workout. This has brought so much peace to me because my kids are asleep, no interruptions...and I am fitting one in DAILY, no hit or missing. I made the adjustments w/ my sleep to make this happen (by going to bed at 9ish pm). The peace in me & my home is worth going to bed earlier to start my day ahead of the game.

My food...Well, it's no secret that I have a problem w/ eating too many Fiber 1 bars (they are my Snickers), but since my 'cleanse/detox' last week, I basically kicked the habit. It's so worth getting stuff out of my diet that holds me back.

It so worth getting anything out of our LIVES that hold us back! What is the secret in your life that holds you back? Is it an unhealthy relationship with certain people who are negative, complainy, gossipy, or all drama? Is it an unhealthy relationship w/ your credit card? Food? Drugs & Alcohol? What is it that is holding you back?

Identify it & find a way to get rid of it NO MATTER WHAT! Why let some outside circumstance or habit hold you back? For once, get stubborn against the negative things in your life & take yourself to the next level of success in all areas of your life!!!

You can do it...if you want to! Let your want be the driving force to change your life for the better! You will be so glad you finally did it! Do it today!!!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Going for some INSANE results!!!

This week I started a new plan. I was struggling to make up my mind with my workouts...and then someone very close to agreed to do Insanity w/ me.

A lot of people have done this & have gotten amazing results! And it's a 60 day plan (w/1 week of recovery in the middle.) Since I have an accountability partner, the workouts are under 45 minutes, and I only have to concentrate on this for 67 days, I can complete this one.

Today is only day 3 and I am already seeing results. Down 2 lbs. and I am eating more than I ever have w/ any plan.

INSANITY is definitely not for beginners (ask me about some workouts to begin with), but if you are at a place to take it up a notch or 10 - get this one & transform your body! This is the plateau-buster for sure!!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Time-Management - What step have I taken

If you keep posted on my life, you know I am a goals-driven person. Yesterday, I highlighted my latest huge goal. I believe setting goals are essential to achieving something in life...but most of us don't take the time to achieve anything. Why not?

Lack of time-management maybe? (Lack of motivation is another...I could spend a season of time on that one, maybe soon I will).

But what is time-management? Managing your time. (No brainer, right?) But really, do you manage your time? We get on FB, 'to check something' right? And 15 min. later our kids are having meltdowns because we haven't left to the park yet...that's what was happening in my home too often recently.

In addition to my apparent lack of time-management, I went and set a huge goal for myself. This could easily become something that would rob further time from my family, if I wasn't careful & responsible. My family is my top priority. But to have a goal that is beyond my family...I've got to master this time-management thing!!!

How often do we say, "I need more time"? We all say it right? What if you were to get up an hour or 2 earlier to get more done. Not sit in front of FB, or maybe you do make that your one hour of social media for the day. But I'm talking about get up early to fold some laundry, declutter the kitchen, balance your checkbook, or workout.

In order for me to be more productive w/ my kids, I needed more time of the day to be w/ them. I have been working out around 9:30 a.m., but in order for us to get to the park or out of the house w/out the heat of summer cookin' us, I had to make a change. 

Solution: Wake up & GET UP to work out at 5:30 a.m.

My change does 2 things:
  • Allows me to work out, which is a top priority.
  • Allows me more time in the morning hours to spend w/ my kids...which are my top of the top priority!
What's also happened is, I get my work and blog done, usually by the time they wake up. Lucky for them, they do not have witness mom sitting in front of the computer too long or too much.

It's 8: 30 a.m. and so far today I've:
  1. Folded 2 loads of laundry
  2. Checked my email & FB
  3. Followed up w/ current BB members
  4. Completed my workout
  5. Completed my blog
So with that said, the baby is now awake, and it's time to "start"our day! I am starting the day off w/ such sense of accomplishment. Most of "my work" is done.

Next stop: Breakfast, some Word & then a spray park!!!! Living life w/ ease as I fight to manage my time.

Managed TIME = Managed LIFE!

Monday, June 20, 2011

My Goals & What It's Going to Take to Get There

My new set goal is to be a Coach that reaches as many people as possible to transform bodies & lives. When this happens, I will experience the greatest rewards.

But in order for me to reach my goal AND keep my priorities of God, Family, and Personal Fitness at the top - I MUST learn more about time-management.

Not sure if you need help here too, will being getting some 2nd hand info from me over the next few weeks as I pursue my goal and keep my priorities...PRIORITY!

Part of this plan will affect you...How? My blogs will be a bit shorter, yet same quality. This will give me more time for more research and work...and will you give you more time as well.

I hope you and I will grow in more knowledge of how to manage our time together. When our time is managed well, our lives are managed well. Tired of chaos, never getting 'stuff' done???? Jump on board with me and let's get our schedules organized together!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

Our Father who is in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name,
Your kingdom come,
Your will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven debtors,
Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. 

For if you forgive others for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.

- Matthew 6:9-14

Are you appreciating your Father in heaven today? So grateful for what He does for me. Thank you Lord for all your provision and protection! You are so faithful and good to me, thanks for being the 'Best Dad' a girl could have!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

"You gotta make time & you're worth it"

"You gotta make time & you're worth it" - this is a quote from Chalene Johnson at the end of a workout....And this is so true!!!!

My TurboFire 90 day program calls for me 6 days/week. I aim for that, but seriously in the last month & 1/2 of it arriving in the mail, I've completed 6 days - once. The rest of the weeks are sometimes only 4 days, but usually 5. And I don't stress about 'sticking to it to a T'...just because at this point in my life w/ an 18 mos. old & 4 yr.'s hard to fit it in 6 days.

If you've just started a workout program - Don't get discouraged this early in game.  You've got to commit to making the time!

Maybe you went from never or hardly ever working out to trying to fit it in 6 days/week. Give yourself a learning curve. Most of you, before now: you were working out only when time allowed. If we leave it up to chance, we will never get to work out. There is always laundry, dishes, toys to clean up, work to do. Really. So you got to plan your day w/ a workout built into your schedule.

If you want to transform your body, look great, and feel wonderful about yourself -
You have to get a new routine that includes your workout in it.

What I've learned for me is that I deserve that little time a day to work out. I am happier when I work out, makes me mentally strong & I feel like I can tackle anything.

What does this mean? A very happy, energized mommy & wife. Really! This 1 hr. (sometimes only 45 min.) makes me feel soooooo good. There's no pill or drink that can give me that feeling of 'I did it!', 'I finished that tough workout!' Right?

The reason why some of you are out of shape and overweight, is simply because you don't make the time. But I'm telling you today - YOU GOTTA MAKE TIME! Period.

See tommorrow's blog for more on this...I'll share on how I make the time. In the meantime, look at your current day, where could you fit in 45 min. - 1 hr. to be healthy?
I start looking great which boosts my self-esteem, and I just feel better.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Power of a Deadline

I like to talk about practical fitness, health tips on Tuesday. And so today I thought I would share a little about what's going on in my life this week, just to get the point across of my 'Tip for Tuesday'.

Let's rewind to September 2010. I had an 8 month old baby, and was stuck at 145-147 lbs. I looked okay (my husband said I looked great), but I wanted all the baby weight OFF. I was 137 when I got pregnant (after my first son) so why did I need to settle at that 145ish. I wanted my skinny jeans to fit...again.

So I committed to Turbo Kick instructor training the first week of December. Not because my #1 goal was to be a fitness instructor, but I needed a deadline for the weight to be off. And I had one when I registered for the training. Why did this work?

First, I didn't know what to expect, so I worked out hard so that I would have enough stamina to last the day at the training. Second, I wanted to look 'the part' as a Turbo Kick Instructor. Plus, I wanted my form and technique near perfect if not. This meant I did every Turbo Jam dvd that I could get my hands on. And I worked out 5 days/week for 3 months solid, watching what I ate, crazy extreme lean.

The day I left for Laguna Hills, I was 133 - 4 lbs. below my goal weight. I had lost 13 lbs. in that 3 month period of working out 5 days/week & counting my calories. When I returned home from that ONE-day training, I was actually 131.5 lbs.

Now, I didn't quite stay there, that was some intense working out...but it got me to my goal of 'prior to 2nd pregnancy weight'.

Fast forward to June 1st, an opportunity for a deadline came up. So as much as I can with my 2 little ones, the youngest is now 18 mos. and gets into everything or just simply disappears...I have been working out pretty intensely, not quited the: 'never miss a workout' schedule, but I'm fitting in crazy cardio.

I was up to the 136 lb. mark a few weeks ago...and I was so mad. I hate letting the scale tick upward. It can maintain at 134 and I'm fine, but those 2 lbs. are  not welcomed. So what's my deadline now?

A corporate Beachbody Coach training is this week. I just decided on June 3rd, 11 days ago that I wanted to go. My husband said "okay, go & have fun"...and then momma looked at the scale & said, "I've got a mission with a deadline".

Monday, I was 134 on the scale. (Just about 11 days of focus stripped nearly 2 lbs. off.) To get 1 or 2 more lbs. off, I'm trying a little 'restricted regimen' this week. We'll see how that works out. Which, in 1 day....I've dropped 3 lbs. The scale said '131' this morning! UNBELIEVABLE! I swear, if you want proof, I'll take a pic of the scale w/ my feet on it.

But this is exactly what I needed: a deadline to get me focused. It was easy to get focused on this one, avid P90Xers will be everywhere at this training day. I'm praying to meet Chalene Johnson, she's seriously amazing, positive, and encouraging beyond the sweatin' workouts. Looking forward to it for sure. I do look back and wish I hadn't missed the few workouts I could've tried harder to get in. But I'll chalk it up.

Lesson here: Work out hard every day that you can so that when your opportunity to meet fitness celebrities comes up...You're already in the best shape of your life. No crazy, last chance, carb depletion, double sessions to fit in to our already crazy busy days to look our best....Right?

So what can you do? What can you sign up for to push you to work out and get in shape & look your best?

Find something and email me w/ the goal and the deadline and I'll put it on my calendar. Deal?

Sunday, June 12, 2011


About 2 months ago, this word started resinating in my heart..sifting, sifting, sifting.  And in the last month I have witnessed some sifting here and a variety of places, all shapes & sizes.

Sifting is defined as 'to seperate'...'remove impurities, take out residue'.

So, for you, I have a few questions: do you see 'sifting' around you? In you? In your relationships? In your life? Who is doing the sifting?

Let's consider it this way too: is bad being seperated from the good? Or is the good being saved from the bad? Hmmmm. I could go deeper...but I will let you come up with an explanation and I would love to hear it and dialog with you. As you go about your day I want you to ponder this as your mind is mindful of the Lord.

This is the image I got when I googled 'sifting'.
If you're sifting for gold, seperating the rocks from the gold...then what happens after you have the gold seperated? Refining...Refining removes even more impurities...with high heat.

I guess you can further conclude that when the sifting begins, hang on...because the refining is around the corner. As I write this, I am reminded that this was a word on my heart, so what is the Lord preparing me for? What is He sifting in my life?

His sifting and His refining is gets rid of the residue of the world to leave me more readily available to do His work and His will. Lord prepare the way and prepare me! Amen?

I hope you have a wonderful & happy SONday!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Found the cure for bad attitude & grumpiness

At the start of Thursday, I was adamant that I would exercise & burn some calories first thing, since I missed my workout the previous day. And when I missed it on, I was grumpy. It challenged me to ask myself 'is working out an idol in my life?' And it just dawned on me, I did miss my shake too - that may have been the straw that broke the camel's back Wednesday. Hmmmmmmm, that makes sense to me.

Anyways, I had to ask myself, 'what are MY priorities?' My priorities are not the same as most/other people, and I have different demands on my time too. And although working out and staying in shape is NOT an idol in my life, it is a top priority. But, I broke the negative talk about the missed workout and set my mind straight that 1 missed workout would NOT turn into 2 missed workouts...and it didn't.

I did my HIIT 20 and Ab Jam on Thursday morning and felt great. So great that I managed to get the house cleaned, laundry washed and dried, the oil changed in the car, kids out to lunch, slip & slide in the backyard before dinner...and everyone washed & cleaned and in bed by 9 p.m.

This may be why working out  is so important to me & for me. It's my opportunity to get the blood flowing, adrenaline pumping so that my mind can be focused on the tasks at hand throughout the rest of the day. Start the day with some killer-cardio and bam - energy to accomplish my day!

Sweat running down my neck,
hair drenched after some calorie-
burning Turbo!!!
When I finish a great workout, sweat is dripping off my nose into the floor as I stretch, I feel like I can accomplish anything. And I typically do that day.

I think this is something many of you need to experience. Some of you look at working out as a chore, something you HAVE to do. You dread talk yourself out of it...But I'm at the point in my journey that working out is something I GET to do. It's a treat to myself that I benefit from in so many ways.

Here's a few benefits I can think of: I look better in the mirror - that's an obvious bonus, right? Which in turn makes me feel better about myself. I've become more positive and confident, which is a blessing to my husband. Any stress I had is now minimized, a better frame of mind for the sake of my kids.

Working out is a blessing. People would pay money for a pill that could do all that for them...but you gotta work out to experience it all first hand. It's an amazing rush to complete a workout that made you push so hard, you're out of breath, heart racing...blood pumping. It's absolutely amazing I tell ya!

Maybe that's why I get grumpy when I miss a workout. I'm really grumpy because I miss the blessing in it. I missed my dose of 'feel good medicine'. Hmmmmmm. That makes sense, right?

Wednesday, I was unorganized, felt like I was in a hurry, completely impatient, running behind. (Remember, I missed my workout cuz I had to 'run out the door'.) Thursday on the other hand, I was tackling my to-do list, handling naptime as it came, adapted my list to accomadate a sleeping baby...and still got the important stuff done - with some mommy & boys' time with the slip & slide in the backyard. Life was good Thursday. This all followed a great high intensity workout!

So you know what is on the agenda first thing today: TurboFire baby...(and then I'm getting my toes done.) I have a light day today since I worked so hard to get the house clean on Thursday. What a pay-off! Score for me, the boys, and daddy! I think I'll stick to working out daily. How 'bout you?

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Desire - It all begins with DESIRE

What do you desire to do? Many of you say you want certain things...but do you?

Think about this for the day:

Success follows reaching goals.
Goals follow executing a plan.
A plan is devised after you determine your desires.

So again I ask you: What do you desire to do?

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Who needs a lift? Brazil Butt Lift!

Here is one of the most popular workout programs my customers are getting their hot little hands on! Again, these workout programs work - IF YOU DO THEM!

I like to take Wednesdays to feature a workout that is effective in giving you results you want. And how many of you want your booty lifted & gorgeous! Get this program and get this booty! Super affordable! Order it now!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Been wondering what it is that I eat? Here it is!

Here's what logging your food &
counting calories + exercise does for ya!
In the last month, I've talked about measuring out your food as per serving size, and logging it. Another component to losing weight is counting the calories. With my workout program, I was given a worksheet to help me figure out how many calories I need for my size. So often we try to do a 'one-size-fits-all' regimen, and I don't think that's realistic for us to try. So often are people deprived, which sets them up to binge eat and this starts the crazy cycle all over again.

Last week, I was asked what I eat throughout the day, so I thought I would share what my food log looks like with you today. Note: I am 134 lbs. If you are heavier, you will need a little more calories, if you are smaller than I, you will need less. However, NEVER GO BELOW 1200 CALORIES. I've seen a 'cleanse formula' recently that gave you 1000-1200 cals. per day, but it is made to do for 2-3 days ONLY, not a long-term regimen of less than 1200 calories.

Below is my message that I sent to a friend:

My days are like this:
first thing: coffee (2): 20 cals. total (was 40, but started using 1/4 cup. almond milk for crmr.)
breakfast: mini- bagel w/ 1/4 cup cott. cheese:160 cals. (or 1 cup cheerios + 1/2 cup milk: 120 cals.)
after wkout: shakeology 150-190 cals. (Depending on whether I use almond milk or water.)
lunch: salad w/ chicken & very low-cal drsg. & apple or banana: 270 cal. (or a wrap w/ the lowcarb ww tort: 230 cals.)
snack: carrot sticks dipped in cott. cheese (w/ spices), or 5 prunes, apple wrapped in ham lunchmeat = 100 cals. or a fib. 1 bar (but trying to give those up- 140 cals)
dinner: 1-2 pc. ckn breast, 1/2 cup beans or rice, ton of veggies: 450 cals. (You can make this stir-fry ckn bowl, or fajitas, or in a salad, or just plated up.)

and if there's room in the cal. budget & I need a little something else, 1/2 cup of nonfat yogurt w/ 2/3 cup of blueberries =120 cals. Or a shakeology pop = 25 cals.
Grand total is: 1330 (without the yog.) - 1450 (with yog.)

I use a lot of the same foods and eat diff. ways. I try to avoid diet sodas, but usually drink tea w/ stevia in the early afternoon for a little caff. boost. But only 2 cups of coffee in the early a.m. (which I'm trying to cut back on) and then some early p.m. tea...water the rest of the day, with dinner, all day running errands.

I love cheese, but cannot lose weight w/ it in my diet. I love bread, but have to sub the mini-bagels or mini sandwich thins in for it.

I watch the sodium for the most part. The thing we're cutting back on is the BBQ sauce, we haven't been measuring this out and I'm sure I'm over my cals by at least 100 on bbq sauce alone. We sub bbq sauce w/ spicy salsa too! We use black beans a lot, instead of pinto, great on a salad...mix 'em w/ corn - YUM!

You have to eat to lose weight. You have to get rid of that borderline starving-mode of eating. It will keep your metabolism stagnant if you don't put in more. You cannot be afraid to eat. You just have to eat good, nutrient dense foods...add a ton of veggies. When I have a wrap, I have a ton of tomatoe & greens. And one thing I don't do is count my lean green veggie calories. Those are free to me, because the more I eat, the fuller I am and the less likely I am to reach for the cheese or fiber 1 biggest hurdles.

Another tip: Drink water like there's a water shortage coming! Try hard to stay away from a bunch of diet sodas and other fake sugary drinks. Do your own research, I've heard it keeps you from losing weight. Plus, most diet sodas have sodium, which leaves you looking puffy.

You've got to look at the long run. PERMANENT weight loss is a shortcuts, just adapting to healthier foods and getting super creative with them. It took you how many years to gain weight? So many people want to lose all the weight in a few weeks/months, when it took years of bad habits to get to where they are. You have to stick to eating healthy for a long time and it's worth it. You WILL get an acquired taste for the veggies and less fat in your diet. Just give yourself a chance to break the bad habits of eating bad.

All you have to lose from this commitment is weight and health issues...what you have to gain is a healthy body, more energy, good sense of well-being, and a slimmer body. It's a WIN-WIN when you give up the BAD! You can do it! Hang in's going to be worth it. Just commit at least 6 months to see what kind of results you get. And when you are feeling better and looking better, it will be easy to commit to doing it for a year...and then you'll want to eat this way for the rest of your life!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Seizing the Opportunity!

In 3 months, of only what time I could salvage from all of my to-dos at home and with my kids, I've manage to make more than a few hundred dollars at this thing! I haven't spent endless hours doing all that I could...just enough to make enough to pay for my shakes so far.

I signed up to be a coach with this amazing company, whose heart is to stop the the trend of obesity...which I share that passion as well. But when I signed up, I had no idea of all the information and tools I would have at my fingertips to become a better ME.

Since I seized that original opportunity, I have had the honor of helping a handful of people start their own coaching business (as they work a full-time jobs), and I have had the pleasure of helping a couple handfuls of people start reeling in their bad eating habits and a few starting stricter regimens to lose weight. One friend won a contest this week of the most weight loss, and I was blessed with a 'thank you'. I don't think that I do a whole lot, it's all in the power of accountability, information, and encouragement. All 3 of those, paired up with intense desire gets results. (Yes, true desire...that's a topic on the horizon, stay tuned for that.)

Now that I've become a coach, signed up with the 'right' person....more opportunities have opened up to me. This amazing, super-skilled and wonderful consultant, who I am calling a life-coach, is now available to me, for free, the first Wednesday of every month, here in Bakersfield....for the next 6 months. His words were my language, and all that I've hoped for in my life are apparently more possible than I ever dreamed. There's an opportunity for you too, to hear this man! Great stuff if you want your life on the right course in life! Just ask me how.

I've also signed up for an online challenge that is divinely timed with these life-coaching meetings. It is apparent that this season in my life is ordained to teach me how to make more of my time, so that I have more to spend with who are my priorities = God and my family.

So I share this all with you to tell you, you too can seize this opportunity and take advantage of being on a team driven toward success, not just in the wallet, or in the professional arena (although that will happen)...but success for your whole life!

If you want to take advantage of this same opportunity and change the course of your life for good, email me, message me on FB. I'm all about helping people and I want to help you seize this opportunity, just as I did!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Flexing my prayer!

Many of you go to church on Sunday...and many of you do not. If you enjoy a little 'spiritual' boost weekly, but don't believe in 'organized religion', I will try to offer that boost to you on Sundays.

Today, I felt led to share a prayer. I hope that it renews your hope and encourages you this beautiful Sunday!

Lord, in Jesus' name I pray for all the tired men and women who have had their patience tested, their endurance stretched, and their physical needs left unmet this week. I pray full nights' rest tonight for the weary and sleep deprived, and I ask to give an extra measure of affection and comfort to the lonely and brokenhearted.

God, reveal Yourself in an amazing powerful way today. Cause the truth of Your Word to penetrate our hearts, minds, and thoughts. Help us to hear Your voice amidst the noise that so easily distracts and derails us. Help us to have the strength to obey Your Word with joy and excitement. Broaden our horizons, open doors of ministry and friendship, and bring healing to the areas of death and famine in our lives.

Lord, some of us need miracles in our finances, our jobs, our marriages, our extended families, in our bodies...I ask in Jesus' mighty name that you would provide those miracles today Lord! Give us the faith to believe You for them & receive them. Lord, just as the apostles asked in Luke 17:5, 'Increase our faith Lord'...increase ours' today Lord. 

Provide a day of rest to the weak and rejuvenate our 'earthly dwellings' Lord, we need full cooperation of our bodies to complete all the tasks ahead of us tomorrow, as well as this next week. For those who do not know You as Lord and Savior, I pray Jesus that You would send a messenger to share Your love, Your grace, and mercy to them. I pray for open hearts and minds to the simplicity of the Gospel and lives to be changed by this prayer tonight. I so deeply believe Lord that it is Your will that all shall be saved and united with You, so God move and make a way for the unsaved's salvation and bring the lost home today.

Lord, to all those who need an extra dose of grace, pour it out on them, help those who need to forgive themselves accept Your forgiveness and forge ahead into the life that You have for them, in Jesus name. And for those who live a life to please You and love you...Lord bless them 'above and beyond all they can hope and imagine' for their efforts, in Jesus name and pray all these things...Amen.

As I was going through photos, I found this pic and thought to myself, here I am sowing seed in my amazing that I wonder at the end of this prayer, how many seeds are sown into your heart? I am a firm believer and follower of Jesus. As you can ask my older son, 'who is Jesus?' - Even he will tell you that Jesus is Lord and Savior.

My hope is that I did bring hope and peace to your heart today. I am a person of prayer and I know that when I pray things that line up with God's Word, those things happen. So I hope that you will remember this post today and if & when you need a little inspiration, you will return to reread it and plug your name into it. God has wonderful plans for you! He really, really does!

God bless you today...........Jen

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day OFF with the KIDS!

As I reflect over my priorities, I see that my time is not always going to the ones who mean the most to me. Not sure if I can stick to every Friday...but I'm declaring on this Thursday night that Friday is my day off with my kids.

I will still do my workout Friday, Saturday and Sunday...that's a high priority (not lord over my life, just a priority). I will  run an errand to the store (because it will help my home function more comfortably, and that's a top priority).

But my day is going to include them, my time, energy and attention are their's! In the end, I may need them to take care of me, so I better do the best job I can now while I still have them to leave them with fond memories. I want them to be nice to me when I'm a geriatric, ya know...Remember, I only get one shot at this!

(In case of an emergency, dial 911, I am detained for the next 24-72 hours or so! :) Bless ya!)

Is the honeymoon over?

Yes, is the honeymoon over? At the beginning of the week I thought about this, entertain me and think about it too: "At the first signs of struggle/discomfort, the honeymoon is over."

I'm talking beyond marriage here. But let's think about marriage for a minute. Let's address how NO ONE tells you that marriage is the hardest thing you'll have to do. (Not a bad thing...just hard). NO ONE! How many of you were sideswiped with the demands of marriage. You probably had all these 'wonderful expectations' that 'now you had someone to serve you, always rub your back, meet your physical, emotional needs'...guess what, the person you married thought the same things. After you said "I do", you went on a honeymoon, and it's a week or two of down right romantic hugs and kisses and vacation. It's wonderful because you have time to serve eachother, rub eachother's backs...there are no distractions so you both meet eachother's needs...and it's all ooey and gooey romance, right?

Then you leave the honeymoon and life is still fresh and new together. You're excited as you put your gifts away from your wedding registry. Maybe you got a new place and so your environment is new and you fill it with new things. Life is new and you continue to be thoughtful toward eachother, you are polite to eachother.

And then one day, THE HONEYMOON IS OVER! Wifey doesn't take as much time to do her hair & her make-up, she lets her PMS ruin one week out of the month...every month. Husband gets busy at work, he's grumpy. He's grumpy to his wife, her feelings are hurt, she gives the silent treatment (even in the bedroom)...Husband gets even grumpier and the 'crazy cycle' has begun.

What happened, right? Folks, the honeymoon is a short-term 'fun' season in life. But we forget that life has demands and it's our responsibility to do what it takes to bring some 'honeymoon attitude' to our marriage month after month.

Think about other things you may have the honeymood come to end with too soon:

You get a new car, life is fun, you go everywhere in it, take your friends out in it...then everyone expects you to drive them everywhere, you can't afford the gas cuz you just got that big car payment in the mail - THE HONEYMOON IS OVER!

You get a new home, get to decorate it, buy all the new fun gadgets for it, paint it fresh vibrant colors....a few years down the road, your friends get a newer home, you're roof springs a leak, the colors seem outdated - THE HONEYMOON IS OVER!

You start a new diet, you've got results in the first few weeks because you went from eating EVERYTHING to eating nothing, then you hit a plateau, you don't want to work out maybe, you don't want to give up those few bad things that you've hung onto, you get discouraged and want to throw in the towel - THE HONEYMOON IS OVER!

I could go on and on (those who know me, know this to be true)...but we've got to snap out of it! JUST SNAP OUT OF IT!

Life requires you to be responsible. Life requires you to put others first. Life requires effort, sweat, and hardwork. Life requires discipline, sacrifice, and self-control. Life needs you to be the best YOU and hang in there when it gets tough.

Newsflash: LIFE IS TOUGH! It is. We have daily struggles, we have seasons of serious trial and wilderness...but the key is to hang on with a positive mindset and hope. Press into the adversity, let it mold you into an even greater person of determination, perseverance, and integrity. Decide today that when THE 'HONEYMOON IS OVER', you're NOT DONE!

We have to be willing to not give up! Not give up on our weight loss efforts, not give up on paying off debt, not give up with our new business, not give up on our kids, not give up on our relationship with the Lord, not give up on the marriage to our spouse. Not give up on LIFE!

We can't cry over spilt milk. We have to be bold and clean it up, put out some energy, and rise to the occasion! We have to endure to the end - even when the comfy, cozy, romantic, newness of life and experiences grow stale. We have to hang in there! PERIOD!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Workout Wednesday: TURBO JAM

Seriously, I lost all my baby weight + some with this dvd program: Turbo Jam!

I haven't had a gym membership in years. Here's a before and after shot of my gut after my second son:

My postpartum gut - Feb. 2010       My toned up abs - March 2011

Why I love Turbo Jam - it's an intense, all over body, cardio workout. It has carved my abs back out, all while I get my cardio on and burn on avg. 600ish calories. And like Chalene says, the music is phenomenal!

And here's a plus for you: the workouts are less than an hour/day!!!! You can't beat that! If you're ready to try something else, besides the gym - order your Turbo Jam.

The one I used comes with 5 workouts: Learn & Burn, 20 min. Cardio, 40  min. Cardio Party, Ab Jam, and Turbo Sculpt. Click here to order:

When you order with me, I'll be your coach and keep you encouraged to press on and move forward - I will help you get the results! I'm doing my own dvd program at home, so I'm here with you! Let's start transforming that body TODAY!